Assessment, Evidence-Guided Practice, and Practice Evaluation 75 Task 6: The Worker Helps the Client Develop Beginning Understanding 4: The worker helps Tanisha understand sexual abuse and its impact on her. 3: The worker considers ways of helping Tanisha understand sexual abuse and its impact and shares them with her. 2: The worker considers ways of helping Tanisha understand sexual abuse but does not share with her. 1/0: The worker does not consider ways to help Tanisha understand what happened to her. Evaluation Using Goal Attainment Scaling As with Task Achievement Scaling for each of the goals that the worker and client have identified, they give one of the following indicators: complete attain- ment, substantial attainment, partial attainment, minimal attainment, and no attainment. Goal 1: Managing Stress +3: Best anticipated: Tanisha manages her stress all of the time. +2: Better than expected: Tanisha manages her stress most of the time. +1: Expected: Tanisha manages her stress some of the time. 0: Less than expected: Tanisha rarely manages her stress. –1: Most unfavorable: Tanisha never manages her stress. Goal 2: Disclosure to Tanisha’s Parents and Boyfriend +1: Tanisha discloses the sexual abuse to her parents and boyfriend. –1: Tanisha does not disclose the sexual abuse to her parents and boyfriend. Goal 3: Continued Counseling +3: Tanisha continues counseling. +2: Tanisha makes the initial contact with the referral. +1: Tanisha considers counseling. 0/–1: Tanisha does not consider counseling.
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