Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups with Environmental Stressors 111 Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities • Use interprofessional collaboration as appropriate to achieve beneficial practice outcomes. • Negotiate, mediate, and advocate with and on behalf of diverse clients and constituencies. 4. Social Work Skills: The Built and Natural Worlds Clients’ natural and built worlds can be potent sources of stress for clients, but they also can provide support, comfort, and revitalization. Workers encourage and educate clients to use their built and natural environments by linking them to resources such as libraries, playgrounds, recreational centers, museums, and parks. Pets can give much-needed comfort to clients and also can provide them with a sense of purpose. In addition, social workers may need to address clients’ spatial needs in the organization by attending to communal spaces, as well as private offices. They also may need to attend to and coordinate spatial access and use in clients’ environments. This is especially important when clients live in close proximity to one another. 5. Trauma-Informed Considerations Survivors of interpersonal violence may wish to seek legal or civil recourse through the justice system, disclose past trauma to loved ones, or confront abusers. Role-playing and identifying next steps take on a particular significance in these cases, as workers help clients anticipate possible outcomes and consider why they wish to pursue a particular course of action. A critical component of trauma-in- formed care is the physical environment of the organization, which must promote the five principles of safety, trust, choice, collaboration, and empowerment. Teaching Methods and Skills Intervening in Clients’ Environments While students do not always consider their clients’ social and physical envi- ronments as foci for their and their clients’ efforts, we find that as we present
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