162 Influencing the Practitioner’s Organization 5. Select a few examples of students’ force field analyses for presentation to the class, and ask the class to assess the feasibility for proceeding with the hoped-for outcome (redefining the problem, the hoped-for outcome, and other factors) Based on this discussion, engage students in considering initial entry steps (e.g., raising the organizational problem with the field instructor and sup- portive colleagues, placing the issue on the formal and/or informal agendas). At this point, ask students to consider how they can begin to interest people in the organizational problem and a possible solution, as well as attempting to reduce potential resistance. 6. We have found that, unfortunately, students are unable to implement an organizational change effort in many cases, even when their proposal is modest, realistic, and justified. You may wish to present a brief lecture on entry strategies of personal positioning, structural positioning, and organiza- tional stress management. Ask students to specify, illustrate, and evaluate their hypothetical—or actual—strategies in creating a receptive climate. 7. After introducing the students to engagement methods, ask them to con- sider the most appropriate one for the organizational problem that they have identified. In this discussion, have students consider their chosen engagement method in relation to the nature of the problem, the degree of goal consensus between themselves and key participants, and their own organizational and personal resources. 8. Using the students’ discussions and any case illustration in the chapter, present a brief lecture on the range of intervention methods available and the relative merits, drawbacks, and risks of each one. To help students better under- stand the skills of persuasion, have them engage in one or more role-plays— either in class or in small groups—in which the “worker” and one or more allies make their case to the organizational representatives who have the power to support or deny the proposed change.
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