Endings 145 how these affect their helping efforts. The discussion exemplifies the step of preparation for termination. 5. Using case examples presented in the chapter (or volunteered by one or more students), have students consider differences in endings when they are engaged in individual, family, and group work. 6. Break students into small groups, or have the class as a whole engage in the following role-plays that reflect variations on endings. Ask students to provide one another with feedback and constructive criticism when they take on the role of worker. a. A client angrily accuses the worker of not caring about her. b. A group withdraws from participation following the worker’s reminder that they have only four more sessions before termination. c. A family misses its next-to-last session but comes to the final session. We suggest that instructors revisit this material as their students’ practicum is coming to a close. We find that students—even those who have experienced numerous endings and transitions over the course of their internship—often experience feelings of guilt and ambivalence as they prepare to end with their clients, colleagues, and agency. In many instances, students’ clients will not receive the same level of attention once they leave. This leaves many students feeling as if they are abandoning their clients. We have had students tell us, for example, that they intend to continue at their agency as volunteers (which is prohibited in most universities). 1. Ask students to reflect on their internship and how they are feeling as it comes to an end. You may need to share your own feelings about the end of the academic year as a way of encouraging students to share theirs honestly. 2. Ask for some of the students to share endings with individuals, families, and groups that have been challenging for them: angry or deeply distressed clients or clients who stop coming. Have students process together their classmates’ reactions and identify professional tasks and skills that were (or could have been) used to facilitate endings and transitions.
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