114 Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups with Environmental Stressors emphasized: the thinking-feeling-doing connection. In their sessions, Felicia and Anne Marie work on altering the way that Anne Marie thinks and feels. Have students explain this. a. The worker also must work on helping Anne Marie do things differently. Have students elaborate upon and enact the steps presented in the text: Anne Marie would develop a friendship with a man and consider differ- ent ways to meet men. Students can do this in small groups or you can do this with the class as a whole. Students can be asked to “role-play a role-play”: How would they prepare Anne Marie for developing a friend- ship? How would they help Anne Marie decide upon a place to meet men? How would they play the role of a man if Anne Marie found someone she wanted to get to know better? 2. Look at the example of Juanita from the chapter. We find that students all too often find themselves in Juanita’s place—or they believe they should be in her place—which is aggressively advocating for the needs of their clients. Using this case example as a starting point, ask students to tune into Juanita’s feel- ings and position. It is important for students to appreciate that in their prac- tice, there will be moments when they feel—and even react—as Juanita did. Then ask them to engage in a “redo”: ask them to put themselves in Juanita’s shoes and develop a statement that they can make to the team that advocates for the client’s needs but does not alienate team members in the process. 3. Ask students to identify a stressor in their agency or in their clients’ envi- ronments that they would like to address (whether or not they can do this is not important) and why. Solicit examples where the skill sets would include persuasive, assertive, or adversarial. If needed, you can provide an exam- ple of you own—either a composite or one from your own practice. Using the tuning-in exercise, divide the class into two groups (or however many subgroups are needed), asking one group to be the “worker,” one to be the “client,” and any others to be the focus of the worker’s efforts. Based upon this, have students develop an opening statement to the focus of the influ- encing efforts.
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