104 Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups with Stressful Life Transitions skills, and why. Because this example also reveals the need for workers to be in the world of is and for them to separate out their sense of urgency from clients, engage students in a discussion of how they experienced this case and whether they could relate to the intern’s desire to “make everything all better” for Theo. Trauma-Informed Practice 1. Jerry’s and Valeria’s cases are representative of the types of clients and the practice contexts that students will encounter in their internships. The focus of the agency is on clients’ present-day stressors, which are associated with under- lying past trauma. Begin with a lecture that assists students in understanding the trauma-informed orientation and its application to these cases. Emphasis should be placed upon the workers’ ability to balance discussion of clients’ present concerns with a focus on the past, as well as the need to empower cli- ents through containment of feelings. Following the same format described previously, begin by having students read the excerpts aloud, stopping at various points to ask them what skills are evident, how they might respond, and other skills they might use and why. Because working with trauma survivors can generate strong feelings in work- ers, ask students to put themselves in the shoes of one or both of the workers and identify their affective reactions. Integrating the Material into Students’ Practice Once students have a good grasp of the skills presented in this chapter, have students meet in small groups or dyads and exchange process recordings with one another. A link to a process recording form that allows students to complete the columns may be found at https://socialwork.umbc.edu/field-education/field -forms/forms/. Remind students to protect clients’ privacy by changing names and altering identifying information (without changing the underlying scenarios). 1. Have students electronically exchange their process recordings. Each student should include all but the last column when completing their process recordings. The student reading and providing feedback completes the last column, labeled “Field Instructors’ Comments.” Ask students to meet and discuss one another’s interventions, providing constructive feedback. Provide students with the following questions to guide their discussion. Remind students to take into account the client’s perspective as they consider the responses to the questions.
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