Index 183 qualitative and quantitative research, 21, 31 questions: clarification or elaboration, 9, 10 close-ended, 6 coping, 64 discussion teaching method answering of, 9–11 exceptions, 64, 102 miracle, 64, 71 open- ended, 6 solution-focused, 64, 69, 102 types of, 9 rapid assessment instruments, 66, 75 receptive climate development, as organizational practice task, 160 Record of Service, 65 on interpersonal stressors, 140–142 life stressors and, 17, 71–72 student completion of, 107–108 reflection, 20, 21, 42 self-, 22, 41, 56–57, 59, 86 regulations. See legislation, regulations, electoral politics regulatory influence, in legislation, 110, 167–168, 170–171 regulatory process, 168–170 relapse stage of change, 64 release termination phase, 145 relevant information collection, 94, 98 research: critical thinking for analysis of, 21 ethical conduct of, 20, 21, 42 evidence, use and translation of, 22 qualitative and quantitative, 21, 31 single-subject design in, 75 research-informed practice, competencies for, 21–22, 31 resilience, 36–37, 43 resources: for clients, 32 environmental, 35 online, 30 Richmond, Mary, 32 rigid authority structure, in organizations, 159 risk factors, 36–37, 100 role-plays, 102, 113 actors experience comments for, 15 in beginnings helping process, 99 discussion encouragement, 15 on environmental stressors, 114 for family practice, 126–127 practice situation and context description, 14 spontaneity for, 14 student role reversal, 15 sadness termination phase, 145 scapegoat, in groups, 130 self-awareness, 21, 41, 56, 160 self-disclosure: discussion on, 6–7 here and now, 95, 98 there and then, 95, 98 self-reflection, 41, 56–57, 59 for engagement, 22, 86 self-regulation, 20, 21, 42, 56 separateness and connectedness, in family, 119 settlement house, 29, 32 sex education group, 104 sexual identity, 53 sexual orientation, 53 short term groups, 84 sibling system, of family, 119 silent members, in groups, 130 single-parent families, 118 single-subject design, 75 size, of groups, 84 small groups, in discussion teaching method, 12 social environments, 22–24, 63, 103 assessment and, 121 environmental stressors and, 109–112 knowledge of, 131, 132 in organizations, 110 social networks in, 60, 109, 115 social work methods and skills in, 111–112 social identity, 58–59, 109 social justice, 30 competencies for, 21, 152, 169 social media, 30–31, 41 social networks and, 109 social networks, 60, 109, 115 social planning, 153 social policy, at local, state, federal level, 22 social welfare: for people of color, 32 policies for, 22 system, 30 social workers: factors influencing practice of, 46 personal life diversity of, 56, 59–60 white privilege, 55–56 social work methods and skills: in beginnings, 97–99 in built and natural worlds, 113 for communities and neighborhoods, 152 connecting skills, 131 coordinating skills, 111 differentiating skills, 131 enabling skills, 101, 139 exploring and clarifying skills, 101–102, 139 facilitating skills, 102, 139 for families, 120–121 groups and, 131 guiding skills, 102, 139 for information collection, 94, 98 internal mediating skills, 131 internal mediation and advocacy skills, 121, 126, 156 joining skills, 120 for life transitions, 101–102 mediating and collaborating skills, 111–112, 114, 139 motivating skills, 102 persuasive and assertive skills, 112 pointing out patterns, 139 practice illustrations for, 104–106 in social environment, 111–112 transparency, 139
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