96 Beginnings students who do volunteer cases that open them up to constructive criticism. This encourages other students to do the same in future exercises. 3. Using a lecture format and referring to the case of Mrs. Carlini from the chapter, present the skills associated with collecting information. We find that students often struggle with collecting needed information due to their discomfort with what they consider prying into clients’ lives and lack of appre- ciation of the need to balance empathy (responsiveness) with getting the infor- mation they need (being systematic). Using this as a guide, ask students for examples of challenges they experienced as they are conducting intakes. Using one or more of these examples, ask the class to engage in what we refer to as a “do-over.” This may first require a more in-depth explana- tion from the student volunteer what led them to choose—or not—a certain course of action. If needed, ask fellow students to put themselves in the shoes of their classmate and tune in so they can appreciate the volunteer’s actions and reactions. Once students have a better understanding of the case and their class- mates’ reactions, ask the class as a whole to consider other actions. Alterna- tively, split the class into two groups and, as before, assign half to the role of “client” and the other half to the role of “worker” and discuss various options based upon the “client” group’s feedback and reactions. 4. Using Sylvia’s work with her client, Lloyd, conduct a brief lecture on engaging clients and collecting information in situations where the nature of the work is brief. Have two volunteers read the excerpts aloud and then assist the class in evaluating Sylvia’s actions and reflecting upon our analysis of the case illustration. This case lends itself to discussing four issues that often confuse students: transparency and “here and now” disclosures, use of touch, responding to clients’ defensiveness, and balancing empathy (responsiveness) with required tasks (being systematic). 5. Begin with a brief lecture to discuss professional use of self and “here and now” and “there and then” disclosures, and provide examples as needed. Explore with students their thoughts about what they believe is appropriate to share and what isn’t. Follow the lecture with a discussion of the implications of use of self to students’ practicum experience. You may wish to begin with examples from your own practice or those of former students before inviting students to share challenges that they have faced in their internships. We have found that stu- dents are prone to want to share personal experiences from their own lives as a way of reassuring clients. This seems to reflect their concerns about their competence and worries that they have nothing to offer clients, that clients will question their competence, or both. Part of this discussion should focus on helping students understand how to respond to clients’ questions about their personal lives. This is best accomplished
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