Educational Philosophy, Concepts, Methods, and Skills in Teaching 3 environment that will release students’ potential for professional development. Part II summarizes the content for each chapter. This includes where the con- tent reflects the nine Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) competencies developed by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and the associated practice behaviors. We also provide suggestions for how to present material, questions for class discussion, and assignments that help students engage in critical thinking and integration of theory and research with their practice. Our Approach to Teaching We begin with the assumption that when social work educators teach social work, they also are modeling its practice. This assumption has relevance across the social work curriculum, but it is most germane in the practice sequence. The strategies that instructors use to present material to students on the skills and underlying assumptions of social work practice will mirror and reflect how they conduct the class and interact with students. For example, when teach- ing students the core skills of social work practice with groups, instructors are engaging in the very skills that they are discussing when they talk about professional use of self, they can model this as they discuss their own practice and the challenges they have faced. In the Teacher’s Guide, we expand upon this point as we discuss teaching strategies for specific chapters. We also operate under the assumption that students are not—and should not be—passive learners, consistent with the social work principle of empower- ment. We understand that students may approach their learning in social work as they might a course in math, history, or art. “Learning it, memorizing it, and then forgetting it” may have worked for them in the past, but it will not and cannot work in social work courses, particularly those that focus on social work practice. Therefore, in-class discussions and assignments must assist students in integrating and applying what they are learning to what they are doing in the field practicum. This assumption is reflected in the assignments and activities suggested in the guide. We also assume that students are adult learners, consistent with Malcolm Knowles’s andragogy theory of learning (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 2012). Knowles’s andragogical approach, developed for adult learners, emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and the need to tailor teaching to students’ unique learning needs, consistent with the social work value of the uniqueness of the individual and the critical role that the field practicum plays in social work students’ education. When applied to the social work practice classroom, the andragogical approach reflects four principles. First, the individuality of students is respected.
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