58 Culturally Competent and Diversity-Sensitive Practice and Cultural Humility 4.1 Expanding students’ social networks Different social networks Students’ social network 4.2 Discovering points of overlap in students’ identities and social positions Members’ social network Members’ social network Members’ social network which they hang out with others like themselves. In some cases, the instruc- tor can start this discussion by pointing out how students position themselves in class: they tend to sit with others like themselves. Other strategies include the following: 1. The instructor can begin by asking students to consider the social networks of which they consider themselves a part. Even in our classes comprised of diverse students, students usually describe social groupings that are relatively homogenous. The instructor can ask students ways in which they might expand their social networks. Using a Venn diagram, as depicted in figure 4.1, students are asked to consider how they can expand the overlap between themselves, their usual social groups, and those of others outside the group (i.e., increase the size of the dark gray overlap). Alternatively, instructors can break the class into smaller groups composed of students with diverse backgrounds and identities. Group members can be tasked first with identifying characteristics of their social network and then identify points of overlap between the networks and how to increase this, as shown in figure 4.2.
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