66 Assessment, Evidence-Guided Practice, and Practice Evaluation school and appeared to come to school high on several occasions. Students thought about the factors that might guide their classmate’s information gathering (deductive reasoning): grief in adolescence the influence of cul- ture (the youngster originally was from Haiti, and the worker is Cauca- sian) manifestations of and reasons for drug use in adolescence the role of genetic factors and family variables. The social work student was then asked to describe his client’s demeanor and what the client said in their initial encounter, and his classmates were encouraged to provide their interpreta- tion (inductive reasoning). Life-Modeled Assessment Using Mrs. Rivera’s case as a foundation, instructors can explore with students the multiple environmental, interpersonal, and intrapersonal factors that con- stitute life-modeled assessment: 1. Ask one or more volunteers to describe a case with which they are involved. Students must have enough information so that the class can construct an ecomap (the template of which is shown in figure 5.1) in which they identify 5.1 Ecomap Client
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