Assessment, Evidence-Guided Practice, and Practice Evaluation 71 A Critical Incident Report represents a microcosm of themes in the worker’s practice in general and can be generalized beyond the particular incident and the particular individual, family, or group. Similar to the Record of Service, the instructor helps students to formulate life stressors. 1. We recommend that the instructor have the class focus on a common life stressor. A few sample transactions illustrate the format: Ms. Ryan: Looking down at the floor and tapping her foot, she seemed lost in thought. Worker: What are you thinking about? 1 Ms. Ryan: (with some anger) Sometimes I wonder why I ever came here to begin with. This place has been nothing but trouble since I arrived. Worker: What do you mean by trouble? 2 Ms. Ryan: It isn’t just my roommate, but the place in general. Every day is the same—terrible. Worker: This is one of the best homes but nothing is perfect. What would you like to change about this place if you could? For each transaction, ask students to complete the following analysis: a. What is your present “reading” (understanding) of what the client is primarily saying or doing? (Respond in the first person, in the client’s voice.) b. What was your response (or silence) designed to achieve (i.e., what was your purpose or intention)? c. Evaluate the extent to which your response was connected to the client’s pri- mary message (perceptions or concerns)? (Evaluate in the first person, in the client’s voice.) d. If your response was only partially connected or disconnected, what were you experiencing at the moment that might have affected your response? (Respond in the first person, in your voice.) e. Based upon what you know now, how would you respond differently? (Be specific—what would you actually say?) Comment in what way your alterna- tive is more responsive to the client’s message. 2. After returning the assignment to students, we find it helpful to orga- nize themes they have identified into client concerns and worker/practice issues in advance of class presentations. Before a student presents the inci- dent, a classmate or classmates can be asked to volunteer to be the individual client or family/group members. Other class members might be asked to listen to the exchanges as if they were the client (family/group members) or
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