112 Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups with Environmental Stressors this information, they quickly appreciate its importance. However, they may assume that their role within their agency does not allow them to intervene or believe that their efforts will not be successful. We also find that while environ- mental stressors abound in the lives of our students’ clients, they often are not provided with the guidance needed or the opportunity to address them. This seems to reflect the point that we raised in this chapter, which is that agencies often overlook environmental sources of stress. As a result, teaching this con- tent may be challenging. 1. Begin with a brief lecture in which you elicit from students examples of stressors in their clients’ environments. At this point, they need not suggest interventions the emphasis is on identifying possible targets of students’ and clients’ efforts. As students provide examples, have them identify the type of environmental stressor that they are describing. Ideally, this discussion results in a full range of the environmental stressors discussed in the chapter. If needed, you can supplement the list with examples of your own. 2. In reviewing the range of environmental stressors, engage students in a discussion of the level of fit between their clients’ perceived personal and envi- ronmental resources in relation to a specific environmental life stressor and its implications on whether they do things for their clients or with their clients, or help their clients do things for themselves. Whatever role the intern assumes, the goal is maximum client involvement. In doing for the client and directly intervening on the client’s behalf (e.g., meeting with a teacher or a nurse), have students consider how the client can be fully involved. For example, if the student is meeting with a teacher, they might role-play what should be said and prepare to deal with possible responses from the teacher. Consider breaking the class into dyads to role-play such a scenario and have students report back to the class what they learned from the exercise. 3. Select several of the students’ case examples that rely upon less risky skills, like role-playing, identifying next steps, and mediating and collaborating skills. Working in small groups or with the class as a whole, ask students to develop an intervention plan, reminding them that it should be realistic (even if they are unable to enact it immediately) and should involve clients as much as possible (reflecting issues such as informed consent). 4. If one or more of the student examples lend themselves to implementa- tion, have the students—in small groups or as a class—develop an interven- tion plan that the student could/will carry out. If needed and appropriate, ask students to consider how they might approach their field instructor or their agency to gain their support for the environmental intervention. As discussed in the guide for chapter 8, the Record of Service or Critical Incident Report can be used for students to conceptualize and analyze their
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