Jindal South West Holdings Limited, overlapping use of, 61; privatization
206, 212n5 of, 26; as productive resource, 51,
justice, 4, 6, 144–47 52–53, 58, 61; property rights and,
just-so-stories, 214 56–59, 60; public land subdivision,
167, 177; reflexivity relating to, 303–5;
Karimnagar, 201–3 roles of, 51–55; for rural households,
Kenya: Community Land Bill, 309, 56–57, 58–61, 63–64; as shelter, 52–53,
313–14; community land in, 302–3, 55, 56, 63; social identity relating to,
305–14; conflict in, 302–3, 307–9; 29, 54; spacial dimensions of, 29,
Group Ranches Act in, 313; history 193–94; speculation, 168, 169, 174; as
and background on, 305–9; land substitutable, 63; as territory, 53–54;
governance in, 302–14; Land transnational land markets, 95–98;
Registration Act in, 308–9, 312; land urban, 131–32; use rights, 182n12;
tenure regimes in, 305–7; National voice relating to, 60, 303–5; water
Land Commission in, 309, 312; NLP access and, 56; women and, 9. See
in, 303, 307–8, 311–12; politics in, also expropriation; property
302–3, 307–9, 310–12; reform in, land-delivery channels: analysis of,
304–5, 307–9; voice and reflexivity in, 166–67; factors affecting, 160–61, 161;
external, 310–12; voice and reflexivity through informal market, 167–68; for
in, internal, 312–14 informal settlements, 168; linkages
Kenya Land Alliance (KLA), 311 in, 166; public, 167; tenure security,
Kenyatta, Uhuru, 309 land governance, and, 160, 160–61,
Khmer Rouge period, 188–89 179–80; transactions involving, 166;
Kibaki, Mwai, 307–8 in West Africa, 160–61, 164, 165,
KLA. See Kenya Land Alliance 166–68, 179–80
Krueger, James, 37 land governance, 49–50; of community
land, 303–14; complexities of,
labor: ILO, 6, 39n3, 355–56; property 55–63; conclusions on, 63–64;
relating to, 87–88 freedom relating to, 148; in Kenya,
land, 5; administration, West Africa, 302–14; reform, 58; tenure security,
178; agriculture relating to, 56–57, land-delivery channels, and, 160,
64; arable, 7; basic needs relating to, 160–61, 179–80. See also Chinese land
52, 55–56, 59–60, 63–64; borders and governance
boundaries in, 53–54; concessions, in landgrab: in Cambodia, 190, 193–95; in
Cambodia, 191–95, 194; control rights China, 139–44, 150n13, 151n22, 151n31,
on, 26; conversion, 53; creation of, 152nn37–38; global, 186, 190; land
65n5; customary, 163–64, 169, 176– titling programs relating to, 187
77, 182n11; dispossession of, 18–19, Land Law, 191
59, 139–44; in English Parliamentary landlessness, 51
debate, 58; ethic, 338; exclusion Land Management and Administration
from, 51–53, 55, 148, 169–70, 180; as Project (LMAP), 195–96
frontiers, 62; infrastructure and, 53; land markets, 60–61; in Africa, 181n5;
Maori, 96; migration relating to, 53; transnational, 95–98
movement relating to, 51–52, 57–58, land redistribution, 149n7
62; as nonproducible resource, 61–62; Land Reform Transformation Unit, 311