Winnicott, D. W., 19, 60, 78, 106 Witenberg, E. G., 166–67, 207 Wolstein, Benjamin: on analytic authority, 197 on coparticipation, 17, 20, 57–60 on curiosity, 160 on ego-interpersonal paradigm, 2, 59–60 Fromm influence on, 54 on immediate experience, 37–38 on individuality, 31, 32, 79 on psychic self-fulfillment, 27, 78, 79 on psychoanalysis of rage, 38 on spon- taneity, 164–65 on transference and countertransference, 53, 57–59, 130, 190, 192 working through process, 90, 152, 208 Zucker, H., 160 242 Index
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Coparticipant Psychoanalysis: Toward a New Theory of Clinical Inquiry resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

Winnicott, D. W., 19, 60, 78, 106 Witenberg, E. G., 166–67, 207 Wolstein, Benjamin: on analytic authority, 197 on coparticipation, 17, 20, 57–60 on curiosity, 160 on ego-interpersonal paradigm, 2, 59–60 Fromm influence on, 54 on immediate experience, 37–38 on individuality, 31, 32, 79 on psychic self-fulfillment, 27, 78, 79 on psychoanalysis of rage, 38 on spon- taneity, 164–65 on transference and countertransference, 53, 57–59, 130, 190, 192 working through process, 90, 152, 208 Zucker, H., 160 242 Index

