——. 1926. Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho- analysis. London: Hogarth. ——. [1931] 1988. The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi. Edited by J. Dupont. Translated by M. Balint and N. Z. Jackson. Cambridge: Harvard Univer- sity Press. Ferenczi, S. and O. Rank. [1925] 1986. The Development of Psychoanalysis. Chicago: Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Fiscalini, J. 1988. Curative experience in the analytic relationship. Contempo- rary Psychoanalysis 24:125–141. ——. 1990. On self-actualization and the dynamism of the personal self. Con- temporary Psychoanalysis 26:635–653. ——. 1991. Expanding the interpersonal theory of self-threat. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 27:242–264. ——. 1993. Interpersonal relations and the problem of narcissim. In J. Fiscalini and A. L. Grey, eds., Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self, 53–87. New York: Columbia University Press. ——. 1994a. The interpersonally unique and the uniquely interpersonal. Con- temporary Psychoanalysis 30:114–134. ——. 1994b. Narcissism and coparticipant inquiry. Contemporary Psychoanaly- sis 30:743–770. ——. 1995a. Transference and countertransference as interpersonal phenomena: An introduction. In M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C. Mann, and D. Stern, eds., Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, pp. 603–616. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. ——. 1995b. The clinical analysis of transference. In M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C. Mann, and D. Stern, eds., Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, pp. 617–642. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Fiscalini, J. and A. L. Grey, eds. 1993. Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self. New York: Columbia University Press. Fortune, C. 1996. Mutual analysis: A logical outcome of Sandor Ferenczi’s experiments in psychoanalysis. In P. L. Rudnytsky, A. Bokay, and P. Giampieri-Deutsch, eds., Ferenczi’s Turn in Psychoanalysis, pp. 170–183. New York: New York University Press. Frankel, J. B. 1998. Are interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis the same? Contemporary Psychoanalysis 3:485–500. Frederickson, J. In press. The problem in relationality. Freud, S. [1910a] 1959. The future prospects of psycho-analytic therapy. In Col- lected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 285–296. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1910b] 1959. Observations on “wild” psycho-analysis. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 297–304. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1912a] 1959. The dynamics of the transference. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 312–322. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1912b] 1959. Recommendations to physicians on the psycho-analytic method of treatment. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 323–333. New York: Basic Books. References 227
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

——. 1926. Further Contributions to the Theory and Technique of Psycho- analysis. London: Hogarth. ——. [1931] 1988. The Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi. Edited by J. Dupont. Translated by M. Balint and N. Z. Jackson. Cambridge: Harvard Univer- sity Press. Ferenczi, S. and O. Rank. [1925] 1986. The Development of Psychoanalysis. Chicago: Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Fiscalini, J. 1988. Curative experience in the analytic relationship. Contempo- rary Psychoanalysis 24:125–141. ——. 1990. On self-actualization and the dynamism of the personal self. Con- temporary Psychoanalysis 26:635–653. ——. 1991. Expanding the interpersonal theory of self-threat. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 27:242–264. ——. 1993. Interpersonal relations and the problem of narcissim. In J. Fiscalini and A. L. Grey, eds., Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self, 53–87. New York: Columbia University Press. ——. 1994a. The interpersonally unique and the uniquely interpersonal. Con- temporary Psychoanalysis 30:114–134. ——. 1994b. Narcissism and coparticipant inquiry. Contemporary Psychoanaly- sis 30:743–770. ——. 1995a. Transference and countertransference as interpersonal phenomena: An introduction. In M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C. Mann, and D. Stern, eds., Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, pp. 603–616. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. ——. 1995b. The clinical analysis of transference. In M. Lionells, J. Fiscalini, C. Mann, and D. Stern, eds., Handbook of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, pp. 617–642. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Fiscalini, J. and A. L. Grey, eds. 1993. Narcissism and the Interpersonal Self. New York: Columbia University Press. Fortune, C. 1996. Mutual analysis: A logical outcome of Sandor Ferenczi’s experiments in psychoanalysis. In P. L. Rudnytsky, A. Bokay, and P. Giampieri-Deutsch, eds., Ferenczi’s Turn in Psychoanalysis, pp. 170–183. New York: New York University Press. Frankel, J. B. 1998. Are interpersonal and relational psychoanalysis the same? Contemporary Psychoanalysis 3:485–500. Frederickson, J. In press. The problem in relationality. Freud, S. [1910a] 1959. The future prospects of psycho-analytic therapy. In Col- lected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 285–296. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1910b] 1959. Observations on “wild” psycho-analysis. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 297–304. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1912a] 1959. The dynamics of the transference. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 312–322. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1912b] 1959. Recommendations to physicians on the psycho-analytic method of treatment. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 323–333. New York: Basic Books. References 227

