——. [1913] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: On beginning the treatment. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 342–365. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1914a] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: Recollection, repetition, and working through. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 366–376. New York: Basic Books. ——. 1914b. On Narcissism: An introduction. Standard Edition 14:67–102. London: Hogarth. ——. [1915] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: Observations on transference love. In Collected papers, vol. 2, pp. 377–391. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1937] 1959. Analysis terminable and interminable. Collected papers, vol. 5, pp. 316–357. New York: Basic Books. Frie, R. 1999. Psychoanalysis and philosophy. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 35:527–532. ——. 2001. From psychoanalysis to Daseinanalysis. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 37:153–167. ——. 2003. Modernism or postmodernism? Binswanger, Sullivan, and the prob- lem of agency in contemporary psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 37:635–674. Fromm, E. 1947. Man for Himself. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1955. The Sane Society. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1964. The Heart of Man. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1973. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. New York: Holt, Rine- hart and Winston. Fromm, E., D. T. Suzuki, and R. DeMartino. 1960. Zen Buddhism and Psycho- analysis. New York: Harper and Row. Fromm-Reichmann, F. 1950. Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ——. 1959. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Selected Papers. Edited by D. M. Bullard. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gedo, J. and A. Goldberg. 1973. Models of the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gill, M. M. 1982a. The analysis of transference. In S. Slipp, ed., Curative Fac- tors in Dynamic Psychotherapy, pp. 104–125. New York: McGraw Hill. ——. 1982b. Analysis of Transference, vol. 1. New York: International Universi- ties Press. ——. 1983. The interpersonal paradigm and the degree of the therapist’s involvement. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 19:200–237. Glover, E. [1937] 1955. The Technique of Psychoanalysis. New York: Interna- tional Universities Press. Goldberg, C. 2002. An explanation of the analyst’s impeded curiosity. Contem- porary Psychoanalysis 38:141–152. Goldstein, K. 1939. The Organism. New York: American Book. 228 References
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

——. [1913] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: On beginning the treatment. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 342–365. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1914a] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: Recollection, repetition, and working through. In Collected Papers, vol. 2, pp. 366–376. New York: Basic Books. ——. 1914b. On Narcissism: An introduction. Standard Edition 14:67–102. London: Hogarth. ——. [1915] 1959. Further recommendations in the technique of psycho-analy- sis: Observations on transference love. In Collected papers, vol. 2, pp. 377–391. New York: Basic Books. ——. [1937] 1959. Analysis terminable and interminable. Collected papers, vol. 5, pp. 316–357. New York: Basic Books. Frie, R. 1999. Psychoanalysis and philosophy. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 35:527–532. ——. 2001. From psychoanalysis to Daseinanalysis. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 37:153–167. ——. 2003. Modernism or postmodernism? Binswanger, Sullivan, and the prob- lem of agency in contemporary psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 37:635–674. Fromm, E. 1947. Man for Himself. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1955. The Sane Society. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1964. The Heart of Man. New York: Harper and Row. ——. 1973. The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. New York: Holt, Rine- hart and Winston. Fromm, E., D. T. Suzuki, and R. DeMartino. 1960. Zen Buddhism and Psycho- analysis. New York: Harper and Row. Fromm-Reichmann, F. 1950. Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ——. 1959. Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: Selected Papers. Edited by D. M. Bullard. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gedo, J. and A. Goldberg. 1973. Models of the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Gill, M. M. 1982a. The analysis of transference. In S. Slipp, ed., Curative Fac- tors in Dynamic Psychotherapy, pp. 104–125. New York: McGraw Hill. ——. 1982b. Analysis of Transference, vol. 1. New York: International Universi- ties Press. ——. 1983. The interpersonal paradigm and the degree of the therapist’s involvement. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 19:200–237. Glover, E. [1937] 1955. The Technique of Psychoanalysis. New York: Interna- tional Universities Press. Goldberg, C. 2002. An explanation of the analyst’s impeded curiosity. Contem- porary Psychoanalysis 38:141–152. Goldstein, K. 1939. The Organism. New York: American Book. 228 References

