Bergmann, M. S. 1976. Notes on the history of psychoanalytic technique. In M. Bergmann and F. Hartman, eds., Evolution of Psychoanalytic Technique, pp. 17–40. New York: Basic Books. Bonime, W. 1982a. Psychotherapy of the depressed patient. Contemporary Psy- choanalysis 18:173–189. ——. 1982b. The paranoid and the depressive. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 18:556–574. Brenner, C. 1976. Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychic Conflict. New York: International Universities Press. Bromberg, P. M. 1980a. Empathy, anxiety, reality. Contemporary Psychoanaly- sis 16:223–236. ——. 1980b. Sullivan’s concept of consensual validation and the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 16:237–248. ——. 1997. Standing in the spaces. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Bruner, J. S. 1966. Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press. Cohen, M. B. 1953. Introduction. In H. S. Sullivan, The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry, xi–xviii. Edited by H. S. Perry, and M. L. Gavel. New York: Norton. Cooper, A. and E. G. Witenberg. 1983. The stimulation of curiosity in the super- visory situation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 19:248–264. ——. 1985. The “Bogged-Down” treatment: A remedy. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 21:27–41. Crowley, R. M. 1952. Human reactions of analysts to patients. Samiksa 6:212–219. ——. 1977. Participant observation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 13:355–357. DeWald, P. A. 1976. Transference regression and real experience in the psycho- analytic process. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 45:213–230. Eagle, M. 1984. Recent Developments in Psychoanalysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. Ehrenberg, D. B. 1992. The Intimate Edge. New York: Norton. Epstein, L. and A. H. Feiner, eds. 1979. Countertransference. New York: Jason Aronson. Fairbairn, W. R. D. 1952. Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. London: Tavistock. ——. 1958. On the nature and aims of psychoanalytical treatment. Interna- tional Journal of Psychoanalysis 39:374–385. Farber, L. 1966. The Ways of the Will. New York: Basic Books. Feiner, A. H. 1979. The anxiety of influence and countertransference. In L. Epstein and A. H. Feiner, eds., Countertransference: The Therapist’s Con- tribution to Treatment, pp. 105–128. New York: Jason Aronson. ——. 1988. Countertransference and misreading: The anxiety of the anxiety of influence. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 23:676–688. ——. 1991. The analyst’s participation in the patient’s transference. Contempo- rary Psychoanalysis 27:208–241. Ferenczi, S. 1916. First Contributions to Psychoanalysis. London: Hogarth. 226 References
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Bergmann, M. S. 1976. Notes on the history of psychoanalytic technique. In M. Bergmann and F. Hartman, eds., Evolution of Psychoanalytic Technique, pp. 17–40. New York: Basic Books. Bonime, W. 1982a. Psychotherapy of the depressed patient. Contemporary Psy- choanalysis 18:173–189. ——. 1982b. The paranoid and the depressive. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 18:556–574. Brenner, C. 1976. Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychic Conflict. New York: International Universities Press. Bromberg, P. M. 1980a. Empathy, anxiety, reality. Contemporary Psychoanaly- sis 16:223–236. ——. 1980b. Sullivan’s concept of consensual validation and the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 16:237–248. ——. 1997. Standing in the spaces. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. Bruner, J. S. 1966. Toward a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press. Cohen, M. B. 1953. Introduction. In H. S. Sullivan, The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry, xi–xviii. Edited by H. S. Perry, and M. L. Gavel. New York: Norton. Cooper, A. and E. G. Witenberg. 1983. The stimulation of curiosity in the super- visory situation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 19:248–264. ——. 1985. The “Bogged-Down” treatment: A remedy. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 21:27–41. Crowley, R. M. 1952. Human reactions of analysts to patients. Samiksa 6:212–219. ——. 1977. Participant observation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 13:355–357. DeWald, P. A. 1976. Transference regression and real experience in the psycho- analytic process. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 45:213–230. Eagle, M. 1984. Recent Developments in Psychoanalysis. New York: McGraw-Hill. Ehrenberg, D. B. 1992. The Intimate Edge. New York: Norton. Epstein, L. and A. H. Feiner, eds. 1979. Countertransference. New York: Jason Aronson. Fairbairn, W. R. D. 1952. Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality. London: Tavistock. ——. 1958. On the nature and aims of psychoanalytical treatment. Interna- tional Journal of Psychoanalysis 39:374–385. Farber, L. 1966. The Ways of the Will. New York: Basic Books. Feiner, A. H. 1979. The anxiety of influence and countertransference. In L. Epstein and A. H. Feiner, eds., Countertransference: The Therapist’s Con- tribution to Treatment, pp. 105–128. New York: Jason Aronson. ——. 1988. Countertransference and misreading: The anxiety of the anxiety of influence. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 23:676–688. ——. 1991. The analyst’s participation in the patient’s transference. Contempo- rary Psychoanalysis 27:208–241. Ferenczi, S. 1916. First Contributions to Psychoanalysis. London: Hogarth. 226 References

