insight, 213, 214 integrationists, eclectic, 56 internalization, transmuting, 136, 208 interpersonal fields: agency and, 25 in analytic situation, 15, 22, 50–53, 63 context and meaning, 24–25 in copar- ticipant inquiry, 22–26 Sullivan on, 22, 24, 50, 55 transference and coun- tertransference, 22–24 interpersonal psychoanalysis: American vs. British approaches, 50–51, 59–60 categories of, 55–56 characteristics, 51 coparticipant inquiry in, 13, 50–57 Fromm on, 53–55 narcissism and, 104–106, 152 neglect of psychological agency, 221n1 Sullivan on, 51–55 turn to, 48–49, 50, 59 interpersonal relations, 12, 16, 214. See also object-relations analysis interpersonal self, 15 anxiety and, 72–73 in coparticipant inquiry, 63, 72 defined, 26, 71, 72 dynamics of, 26–27 narcissism and, 104–105, 130–31 overlap with relational self, 87–88 security needs, 27, 73–74, 107 Sullivan on, 26–27, 55, 72–74 thera- peutic preoccupation with, 178–79 interpretation: in classical analysis, 213, 214 in coparticipant transference analysis, 199–200 Kernberg on, 136 living through and personal relation- ship, 205 pluralism in, 16 relationship vs., 213–16 syntaxic, 37 intersubjectivity, 14–15, 61–62, 221n1 intimacy, 75, 76–77, 91–92 introjective transference, 130, 144 Jacobs, Theodore, 12, 60, 62, 63 Jaffe, J., 77 James, William, 71 Jaspers, Karl, 212 Kernberg, Otto, 101, 127, 135–37 Klein, Melanie, 19, 25, 48, 60 Kohut, Heinz: on arrested development, 136 coparticipant perspective, 61 on mirroring analysis, 11 on narcissism, 101–102, 104, 106–108, 127, 132–37, 146 psychology of the self, 2–3, 61, 133–34 on relationship processes, 19, 214 on self-object relatedness, 27, 107 on transmuting internalization, 136, 208 Lachmann, F., 77 Langs, Robert, 34 Lasch, Christopher, 110 Levenson, Edgar A.: on analytic authority, 197 on coparticipation, 2, 20, 25, 60 on curiosity, 160 Fromm influence on, 54 on power of psychoanalytic process, 204 on transference, 53, 194 Lewin, Kurt, 22, 24 libido vs. nonlibido paradigms, 2, 3, 82 limits and limitation, 103, 120 Lindzey, G., 2 living through process, 202–216 affirma- tion and validation in, 208 analyst’s personality and, 203–204 analytic relationships, 209–211 anxiety and, 95 attempted transformation of ana- lyst, 205–206 coparticipation in, 211–12 curative action of, 90, 204–209 defined, 203 empathic mir- roring in, 207 experimental valida- tion, 206 interpersonal interactions in, 208, 210–11 interpretations in, 205, 207 narcissism analysis, 136, 152 reintegration of core needs, 209 self-esteem and, 119 working through in, 208 looking-glass concept of self, 71 love: lack of, 47 lust. See sexuality Maslow, Abraham, 84, 160, 161 masochism, analytic, 176 May, Rollo: on coparticipant inquiry, 98 on narcissism, 117 on personal self, 79 on self and anxiety, 74, 97 on social conformity, 88 Mead, George, 71 Meissner, W. W., 215 Mendelsohn, E., 215 Menninger, K., 10 mental health, drive for, 206 metapsychological pluralism, 16, 31–32 Miller, M. L., 215 Mills, Jon, 221n1 mirroring analysis, 11, 63, 168 mirror-observational model. See nonpar- ticipant observation mismirrored narcissism, 146 Mitchell, S. A., 2, 53, 215 Modell, A. H., 208 Munroe, R., 2 More, A. T., 79 motivation, 27, 82–84 multidimensional self, 69–84 coparticipa- tory dimensions, 74–75 interpersonal self, 72–74 motivational theory and, 82–84 personalized self, 79–81 per- sonal self, 78–79 physical self, 75–76 238 Index
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insight, 213, 214 integrationists, eclectic, 56 internalization, transmuting, 136, 208 interpersonal fields: agency and, 25 in analytic situation, 15, 22, 50–53, 63 context and meaning, 24–25 in copar- ticipant inquiry, 22–26 Sullivan on, 22, 24, 50, 55 transference and coun- tertransference, 22–24 interpersonal psychoanalysis: American vs. British approaches, 50–51, 59–60 categories of, 55–56 characteristics, 51 coparticipant inquiry in, 13, 50–57 Fromm on, 53–55 narcissism and, 104–106, 152 neglect of psychological agency, 221n1 Sullivan on, 51–55 turn to, 48–49, 50, 59 interpersonal relations, 12, 16, 214. See also object-relations analysis interpersonal self, 15 anxiety and, 72–73 in coparticipant inquiry, 63, 72 defined, 26, 71, 72 dynamics of, 26–27 narcissism and, 104–105, 130–31 overlap with relational self, 87–88 security needs, 27, 73–74, 107 Sullivan on, 26–27, 55, 72–74 thera- peutic preoccupation with, 178–79 interpretation: in classical analysis, 213, 214 in coparticipant transference analysis, 199–200 Kernberg on, 136 living through and personal relation- ship, 205 pluralism in, 16 relationship vs., 213–16 syntaxic, 37 intersubjectivity, 14–15, 61–62, 221n1 intimacy, 75, 76–77, 91–92 introjective transference, 130, 144 Jacobs, Theodore, 12, 60, 62, 63 Jaffe, J., 77 James, William, 71 Jaspers, Karl, 212 Kernberg, Otto, 101, 127, 135–37 Klein, Melanie, 19, 25, 48, 60 Kohut, Heinz: on arrested development, 136 coparticipant perspective, 61 on mirroring analysis, 11 on narcissism, 101–102, 104, 106–108, 127, 132–37, 146 psychology of the self, 2–3, 61, 133–34 on relationship processes, 19, 214 on self-object relatedness, 27, 107 on transmuting internalization, 136, 208 Lachmann, F., 77 Langs, Robert, 34 Lasch, Christopher, 110 Levenson, Edgar A.: on analytic authority, 197 on coparticipation, 2, 20, 25, 60 on curiosity, 160 Fromm influence on, 54 on power of psychoanalytic process, 204 on transference, 53, 194 Lewin, Kurt, 22, 24 libido vs. nonlibido paradigms, 2, 3, 82 limits and limitation, 103, 120 Lindzey, G., 2 living through process, 202–216 affirma- tion and validation in, 208 analyst’s personality and, 203–204 analytic relationships, 209–211 anxiety and, 95 attempted transformation of ana- lyst, 205–206 coparticipation in, 211–12 curative action of, 90, 204–209 defined, 203 empathic mir- roring in, 207 experimental valida- tion, 206 interpersonal interactions in, 208, 210–11 interpretations in, 205, 207 narcissism analysis, 136, 152 reintegration of core needs, 209 self-esteem and, 119 working through in, 208 looking-glass concept of self, 71 love: lack of, 47 lust. See sexuality Maslow, Abraham, 84, 160, 161 masochism, analytic, 176 May, Rollo: on coparticipant inquiry, 98 on narcissism, 117 on personal self, 79 on self and anxiety, 74, 97 on social conformity, 88 Mead, George, 71 Meissner, W. W., 215 Mendelsohn, E., 215 Menninger, K., 10 mental health, drive for, 206 metapsychological pluralism, 16, 31–32 Miller, M. L., 215 Mills, Jon, 221n1 mirroring analysis, 11, 63, 168 mirror-observational model. See nonpar- ticipant observation mismirrored narcissism, 146 Mitchell, S. A., 2, 53, 215 Modell, A. H., 208 Munroe, R., 2 More, A. T., 79 motivation, 27, 82–84 multidimensional self, 69–84 coparticipa- tory dimensions, 74–75 interpersonal self, 72–74 motivational theory and, 82–84 personalized self, 79–81 per- sonal self, 78–79 physical self, 75–76 238 Index

