This journey into the world of coparticipant inquiry was not taken alone. I would like to thank those who helped me. I would first like to thank my wife and colleague, Barbara Suter, for her love and encouragement, and her invaluable help throughout. I deeply appreciate her clinical acumen, wise counsel, and always kind critiques. For her unselfish gift of time for me to write, I am grateful beyond words. I especially want to thank her and my daughter Kate for reminding me that writing about life is not the same as living it. I would also like to thank my friend and colleague Stanley Renshon, whose warm encouragement, thought-provoking questions, and incisive critiques of early drafts helped me to sharpen my thinking and to clarify my ideas. I also wish to thank Anthony Bass, Elizabeth Goren, and Bernadette Hogan, whose own work embodies the best of coparticipant inquiry, for their insightful commentary and critique, unstinting encour- agement, and for their friendship. I wish also to thank all those students and supervisees who have taught me at least as much as I taught them. My appreciation, too, to those who were my teachers, especially Janet Jeppson and the late Ellen Dolganos and Earl Witenberg. Special appreciation is due to my patients who have taught me much about life, and about the resilience of the human spirit. More than anyone else, Benjamin Wolstein, now gone, helped me see the coparticipant nature of the human psyche and its psychoanalysis. His personal integrity and decency, genuine humility, creative ways of listening, and belief in the benefits of long-term psychoanalytic self-exploration con- tinue to inform my work and to encourage my trust in my unique individ- uality and that of others. Acknowledgments xiii
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