Abrams, S. 1992. Ambiguity in excess: An obstacle to common ground. In R. J. Wallerstein, ed., The Common Ground of Psychoanalysis, pp. 67–79. Northvale, N.J.: Aronson. Alexander, F. and T. M. French. 1946. Psychoanalytic Therapy. New York: Ronald Press. Alexander, F. 1961. The Scope of Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books. Allport, G. W. 1955. Becoming. New Haven: Yale University Press. Altman, N. 2002. Where is the action in the “talking cure?” Contemporary Psy- choanalysis 38:499–513. Antonovsky, A. 1985. Relationship and psychic work: Questions on the thera- peutic action of psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 21:309–320. Arieti, S. 1976. Creativity. New York: Basic Books. Aron, L. 1991. The patient’s experience of the analyst’s subjectivity. Psychoana- lytic Dialogues 1:29–51. ——. 1996. A Meeting of Minds. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. ——. 2000. Self-reflectivity and the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. Psy- choanalytic Psychology 17:667–689. Balint, M. 1968. The Basic Fault. London: Tavistock. Bass, A. 2001a. It takes one to know one: Or whose unconscious is it anyway. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 11:683–702. ——. 2001b. Mental structure, psychic process, and analytic relations: How people change in analysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 11:717–725. ——. 2003. From identification to spontaneous living. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 39:89–97. Beebe, B. and J. Jaffe. 1997. Mother-infant interaction structures and presym- bolic self- and object- representations. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 7:133–182. Beebe, B. and F. Lachmann. 1999. The contribution of mother-infant mutual influence to the origins of self- and object- representations. Psychoanalytic Psychology 5:305–337. References 225
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Abrams, S. 1992. Ambiguity in excess: An obstacle to common ground. In R. J. Wallerstein, ed., The Common Ground of Psychoanalysis, pp. 67–79. Northvale, N.J.: Aronson. Alexander, F. and T. M. French. 1946. Psychoanalytic Therapy. New York: Ronald Press. Alexander, F. 1961. The Scope of Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books. Allport, G. W. 1955. Becoming. New Haven: Yale University Press. Altman, N. 2002. Where is the action in the “talking cure?” Contemporary Psy- choanalysis 38:499–513. Antonovsky, A. 1985. Relationship and psychic work: Questions on the thera- peutic action of psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 21:309–320. Arieti, S. 1976. Creativity. New York: Basic Books. Aron, L. 1991. The patient’s experience of the analyst’s subjectivity. Psychoana- lytic Dialogues 1:29–51. ——. 1996. A Meeting of Minds. Hillsdale, N.J.: The Analytic Press. ——. 2000. Self-reflectivity and the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis. Psy- choanalytic Psychology 17:667–689. Balint, M. 1968. The Basic Fault. London: Tavistock. Bass, A. 2001a. It takes one to know one: Or whose unconscious is it anyway. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 11:683–702. ——. 2001b. Mental structure, psychic process, and analytic relations: How people change in analysis. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 11:717–725. ——. 2003. From identification to spontaneous living. Contemporary Psycho- analysis 39:89–97. Beebe, B. and J. Jaffe. 1997. Mother-infant interaction structures and presym- bolic self- and object- representations. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 7:133–182. Beebe, B. and F. Lachmann. 1999. The contribution of mother-infant mutual influence to the origins of self- and object- representations. Psychoanalytic Psychology 5:305–337. References 225

