Abrams, S., 60 abstinence, 46 acting out, 102, 122, 124, 155 adultilization, fallacy of, 178 agency, 25, 221n1 agent, self as, 70 Alexander, Franz, 10, 37, 48, 202, 207, 214 alienation, 116–18 aliveness, psychological, 155–68 clinical innocence in, 160–62 defined, 156– 57 fallibility in, 164 solitariness in, 162–63 spontaneity in, 164–65 thera- peutic curiosity and, 158–60 allocentric attitude, 161 Allport, Gordon, 70 allusion, 191 Altman, N., 215 analyst: as active participant, 54 counter- transference and analytic working space, 175–79 “living through” bene- fits to, 212 omnipotent strivings in, 176 as participant-observer, 50 patient as copartner with, 15–16, 29–30, 63, 93, 129–30 personality of, 203 prescriptive, 127–28 self-revela- tion of, 203, 209–210 analytic situation: anonymity in, 42 interpersonal fields in, 15, 22, 50–53, 63 neutrality in, 41, 52 parameters of, 34 relatedness in, 15 analytic working space, 169–83 active engagement, 178 adultilization fallacy, 178 analysis of resistance, 179–83 anxiety and, 169–71 coparticipant, 170, 187 countertransference analysis, 175–79, 182–83 empathy and engage- ment in, 171–73 infantalization fal- lacy, 179 resistance and responsibility in, 174–75 Angyal, Andras, 24 anxiety: acceptance of, 98 analytic work- ing space and, 169–71 apprehension and, 94–96 in clinical setting, 169–70 dread and, 89 embeddedness, 167 of influence, 165 interpersonal self and, 72–73, 94 living through process, 95 personalized self and, 80–81 psy- chopathology and, 51 in resistance analysis, 180–81 Schachtel on, 80–81 secondary, 80 apprehension: acceptance of, 98 anxiety and, 94–96 dread and, 89 as fear of change, 80–81 living through process, 95 Arieti, S., 160 Aron, Lewis, 12, 53, 215 arrested development, 136, 213–14 attitude, allocentric, 161 Atwood, George, 12, 61, 215 Bacal, Howard, 61 Balint, Michael, 48, 119 Bass, Anthony, 12, 53, 203 Beebe, B., 77 behaviorism, 82 Berlyne, Robert, 82, 160 Bollas, Christopher, 60 Bonime, Walter, 111, 124 Brandchaft, B., 12, 61, 215 Brenner, C., 10 Bridgman, Percy, 79 Bromberg, P. M., 203 Bruner, Jerome, 82 change, fear of, 80 Index 235
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Abrams, S., 60 abstinence, 46 acting out, 102, 122, 124, 155 adultilization, fallacy of, 178 agency, 25, 221n1 agent, self as, 70 Alexander, Franz, 10, 37, 48, 202, 207, 214 alienation, 116–18 aliveness, psychological, 155–68 clinical innocence in, 160–62 defined, 156– 57 fallibility in, 164 solitariness in, 162–63 spontaneity in, 164–65 thera- peutic curiosity and, 158–60 allocentric attitude, 161 Allport, Gordon, 70 allusion, 191 Altman, N., 215 analyst: as active participant, 54 counter- transference and analytic working space, 175–79 “living through” bene- fits to, 212 omnipotent strivings in, 176 as participant-observer, 50 patient as copartner with, 15–16, 29–30, 63, 93, 129–30 personality of, 203 prescriptive, 127–28 self-revela- tion of, 203, 209–210 analytic situation: anonymity in, 42 interpersonal fields in, 15, 22, 50–53, 63 neutrality in, 41, 52 parameters of, 34 relatedness in, 15 analytic working space, 169–83 active engagement, 178 adultilization fallacy, 178 analysis of resistance, 179–83 anxiety and, 169–71 coparticipant, 170, 187 countertransference analysis, 175–79, 182–83 empathy and engage- ment in, 171–73 infantalization fal- lacy, 179 resistance and responsibility in, 174–75 Angyal, Andras, 24 anxiety: acceptance of, 98 analytic work- ing space and, 169–71 apprehension and, 94–96 in clinical setting, 169–70 dread and, 89 embeddedness, 167 of influence, 165 interpersonal self and, 72–73, 94 living through process, 95 personalized self and, 80–81 psy- chopathology and, 51 in resistance analysis, 180–81 Schachtel on, 80–81 secondary, 80 apprehension: acceptance of, 98 anxiety and, 94–96 dread and, 89 as fear of change, 80–81 living through process, 95 Arieti, S., 160 Aron, Lewis, 12, 53, 215 arrested development, 136, 213–14 attitude, allocentric, 161 Atwood, George, 12, 61, 215 Bacal, Howard, 61 Balint, Michael, 48, 119 Bass, Anthony, 12, 53, 203 Beebe, B., 77 behaviorism, 82 Berlyne, Robert, 82, 160 Bollas, Christopher, 60 Bonime, Walter, 111, 124 Brandchaft, B., 12, 61, 215 Brenner, C., 10 Bridgman, Percy, 79 Bromberg, P. M., 203 Bruner, Jerome, 82 change, fear of, 80 Index 235

