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The Right to Know: Transparency for an Open World resources

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United States (U.S.), 268, 292; ATI water delivery, 221–22 laws of, 228; disclosure laws in, Watson, Jenny, 227 7; media in, 74; national security Weber, Max, 216 in, 13, 312; secrecy debate in, 9; as Wen Jiabao, 63, 77 transparency proponent, 9 whaling, 294–95 United States Interagency Committee wildlife preservation, 293 on Government Information, 197 Wilson, George, 248 universal accessibility, 44 Wolfensohn, James, 257, 258, 271 Universal Declaration of Human women’s movement in India, 19–20, Rights, 3, 316 33 “unreasonable security,” 324 Woods, George, 253 “unsuccessful norm transmission,” Working Group on Transparency and 140n25 Accountability of the Group of “unwise compromises,” 315 22, 5 UPA. See United Progressive Alliance “The Working Manual on the Reduc- U.S. See United States tion of the Farmer’s Burden,” U.S. Congress, 9, 312 113n5 U.S. Constitution, 7 World Bank, 2, 4, 8, 12, 149, 181, 188, U.S. Department of Homeland Secu- 243, 267, 345, 346; charter of, 253; rity, 324–25, 334n58 history of, 251; as “lawless institu- U.S. Federal Reserve Board, 249 tion,” 253; lessons learned, 270–71; U.S. National Security Archive, 331 loan from, 262; as protest target, U.S. Supreme Court, 217–18, 248, 252; training materials of, 259; 312, 328 transparency at, 251–61; Washing- ton consensus, 246 VCs. See villagers’ committees—Chi- World Bank Inspection Panel, 256, na 257, 264, 271 the VC Law. See Organic Law on Vil- World Commission on Dams, 300 lagers’ Committees—China World Trade Organization (WTO), 12, Vega, Mignone, 194 243, 343; China and, 55, 61–62, 81, Venezuela, 10 108; framework for, 111; lending “vice of publicity,” 248 and, 262; requirements of, 109; Vietnam, 284 review mechanisms for, 262; Vietnam War, 315, 321 transparency and, 105 village public hearings. See jansunwais Worldcom, 216 villagers’ committees—China (VCs), 59 written submissions, 97 Voluntary Openness Strategies (VOS), WTO. See World Trade Organization 188 WTOs Appellate Body, 253 VOS. See Voluntary Openness Strate- Wu Bangguo, 99 gies Zhou, Hanhua, 11, 69, 92 Washington consensus, 246 Zhu Rongji, 99 waste collection, 220 Zimbabwe, 185 368 index

