India, 19; in Slovakia, 130, 136; in Emergency Planning and Community
South Africa, 185, 231, 233, 234; Right to Know Act (1986), 279–82,
transparency as norm for, 214; 284–85
see also Open Democracy Advice Emkhandwini, 209
Centre empowerment, 22
Democracy by Disclosure (Graham), Enron, 9, 216, 225
217 environmental assessment, 288–89
“democratic deficit,” 243–45 environmental associations, 290
Deng Xiaoping, 63 Environmental Defense, 296
desacato laws, 330 environmental governance, 13; new
Desai, Morarji, 21 paradigm in, 279–81; principles of
Dey, Nikhil, 24 good, 282–90
dharna (sit-in), 26; Beawar, 26–27; environmental lawsuits, 290
MKSS and, 26 Environmental Management Act
disclosure: corporate, 8–9; govern- (Indonesia), 285
ment effectiveness/efficiency Environmental Protection Agency
and, 338–39; motives for, 344–47; (EPA), 13, 219, 279
participatory, 262; policies, 2; environmental transparency: future
regulation by revelation, 339–41; of, 300–305; NGOs role in,
role of, 337–38; secrecy v., 10; shift 293–300; state of, 291–93; technol-
toward, 216–20 ogy and, 300
disclosure laws, 8; in Great Britain, 7; EPA. See Environmental Protection
in U.S., 7 Agency
Dolas, Sunetra, 40 equity, 283
Douglass, Frederick, 270 Estonia, 132
Dow Chemicals, 279 Ethics in Government Act (Nigeria),
DP-FOI. See Data Protection and 152
Freedom of Information—Hun- EU. See European Union
gary EU Accession Monitoring Program
Dutch East India Company, 217 (EUMAP), 134
EUMAP. See EU Accession Monitor-
Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro (1992), ing Program
282, 285, 289, 295 European Bank for Reconstruction
East Germany, 120 and Development, 263
Ecoglasnost movement, 291–92 European Court of Human Rights,
Economic and Financial Crimes Com- 327–28
mission—Nigeria (EFCC), 166, European Investment Bank, 263
168 European Union (EU), 134, 271, 297
economics, 1, 5 Extractive Industries Transparency
Ecuador, 210n6 Initiative (EITI), 225
education, 22
EFCC. See Economic and Financial Fallows, James, 322
Crimes Commission—Nigeria FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investiga-
“E-government” program, 61, 100 tion
EITI. See Extractive Industries Trans- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),
parency Initiative 315
Elf Aquitaine, 224 Federal Institute for Access to Infor-
Ellsburg, Daniel, 321 mation (Mexico), 193
index 357