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The Right to Know: Transparency for an Open World resources

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Index Aarhus Convention, 297–300, 304 Administrative Procedures Act (U.S.), Abacha, Sani, 153, 154, 156, 170n1 268, 305n4 Abu Ghraib prison, 221, 316 affected people, 290–91 Abubakar, Abdulsalami, 154 African Charter on Human and Access Initiative, 292–93 People’s Rights, 10, 172n19 access to information (ATI), 180, 237, African Christian Democrat Party 283–85, 298, 341 (ACDP), 234 Access to Information Programme— African Development Bank, Bulgaria (AIP), 125, 128, 132–34 263 access to justice, 289–91, 299, 341 African Leadership Forum, 149 accountability, 5, 22, 28; horizontal, African National Congress (ANC), 297; in Nigeria, 154; transparency 231, 234 and, 283–84 African Union, 161 ACDP. See African Christian Demo- African Union Convention on Pre- crat Party venting and Combating Corrup- activism: civil society, 223–26, 304, tion, 172n19 342; by NGOs, 224; RTI in Maha- agbada, 168 rashtra, 39–41; transparency, 224 agency coordination, 322–23 activists, 20, 255 agency problems, 6 ad hoc groups, 290, 291 AIP. See Access to Information Pro- Adeosun Indigenisation Panel, 169 gramme—Bulgaria Administrative Licensing Law—Chi- Air Force B-29 Superfortess crash, na (ALL), 68, 82 328–29

