ALL. See Administrative Licensing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 44
Law—China Bhopal gas disaster, 219, 279, 280,
Amazon forest preservation, 287 305n2
American Bar Association, 268 “big brother” police state, 348
Amnesty International, 270 Bio-Bio River project (Chile), 256, 257
ANC. See African National Congress Biodiversity Conservation Centre, 301
AngloGold Ashanti, 234 BJP. See Bharatiya Janata Party
Angola, 224, 253 blanket secrecy, 311
Anticorruption Office—Argentina Blanton, Thomas, 243, 329, 341, 344,
(AO), 197 346
Anyanwu, Tony, 158 BMD. See ballistic missile defense
AO. See Anticorruption Office—Ar- Bodibe, Oupa, 232
gentina Bolivia, 186–87, 192, 197; civil ser-
APIA. See law on access to informa- vants in, 196; documents in, 198;
tion—Bulgaria laws of, 210n6
“Archive of Terror,” 309 Bombay Environmental Action Group
Archives Law (China), 66, 108, 111 (BEAG), 31–32
Argentina, 186, 197, 198 Bombay High Court, 31–32
argumentation, 97 Bombay Municipal Corporation, 40
Armenia, 129 Bontoc people, 254
ARTICLE 19, 134, 326 BPL. See below poverty line
Arun III dam project (Nepal), 257 Brazil, 254–55, 302
Asian Development Bank, 262–63, Bulgaria, 116, 121, 125, 128–29,
265 133–34, 184; ATI laws of, 230; Eco-
ATI. See access to information glasnost movement in, 291–92;
ATI laws, 180–81; of Bulgaria, 230; Public Mediator in, 132; transpar-
challenges to, 228–36; of Italy, ency in, 124
230; of Jamaica, 231; in Mexico, Bunker, Matthew, 228–29
190; of Netherlands, 230; of Slova- bureaucratic inertia, 323–25
kia, 230; in South Africa, 231–36, Burns, Arthur, Jr., 249–50
238; of U.S., 228 Bush administration, 13, 314, 317, 321
“audit storm,” 66 business confidentiality, 265
Audu, Abubakar, 166
Australia, 198 Calland, Richard, 11, 12, 179, 214, 338,
Ayida, Allison, 169 342, 344–46
Azie, Vincent, 163–64 Cambodia, 261, 265
Campaign for the Freedom of Infor-
Babangida, Ibrahim, 145–46, 150, mation (Great Britain), 207
152–53, 156 Canada, 193, 203, 226; RTI law in,
Baer, Robert, 221 314; transport ministry of, 324;
ballistic missile defense (BMD), 313 Treasury Board in, 206
Bank Information Center, 262 Canadian Information Commis-
Basel Committee, 269 sioner, 329
BEAG. See Bombay Environmental CASS. See Chinese Academy of Social
Action Group Sciences
Belarus, 117 Castro, Fidel, 16n15
Belize, 185, 195, 198 CDF. See Citizen Democracy Associa-
below poverty line (BPL), 41 tion—Slovakia
354 index