84; achieving, 341–47; activism, 90; in India, 43–44; indications of
224; arguments for, 2–3; battle strong, 44
for, 348; in Bulgaria, 124; debate “transparency line,” 218
over, 1; definitions of, 14n5, 304; in transparency principles, 282, 292,
economics, 5; during emergencies, 304; access to information, 283–
318–20; equity promoting, 283; 85, 298; access to justice, 289–91,
future of, 14; history/current state 299; public participation in deci-
of, 7–10; IMF and, 250–51; issues sion making, 286–89, 298–99
for future of, 347–48; legitimacy “transparency triangle,” 183
lending, 283; meaning/purposes transparent society, 5
of, 4–7; model in Hungary, 122; Treatment Action Campaign (TAC),
as norm for democratic state, 214; 209
in politics, 5, 343; as principle TRI. See Toxics Release Inventory
of democratic government, 341; Trinidad and Tobago, 195, 205
revolution, 348; rights and, 239; in Triveni, 42–43
Romania, 123–24; rules of IGOs, Truth and Reconciliation Commis-
12; selling by IGOs, 244–45; in sion, 310
Slovakia, 124; technology and,
5; as transformative tool, 14; in Uganda, 194, 265–66, 292, 293
Ukraine, 123; U.S. as proponent Ugokwe, Jerry, 158
of, 9; at World Bank, 251–61; WTO Ukraine, 116, 117, 128, 133; Constitu-
and, 105; see also CEE transparen- tion of, 123; laws in, 125; public
cy; China transparency; corporate servants in, 130; transparency in,
transparency; environmental 123
transparency; India transparency; Ukrainian Law on Information, 125
Nigeria transparency Ukrainian Secrecy Act, 123
“transparency champions,” 180 UN. See United Nations
transparency implementation: auto- UN Global Compact, 223
matic publication and, 200–201; UN Security Council, 269
conclusion about, 209; demand UN Sub-Commission on Promotion
side of, 208–9; diagnosing chal- of Human Rights, 223
lenge of, 182–83; drafting law for, UNECE. See United Nations Econom-
188–90; implementing law for, ic Commission for Europe
190; internal systems for, 201–6; Union Carbide, 23, 279
introduction to, 180–82; politics United Kingdom, 182, 188, 191
of, 191–96; prologue for, 179–80; United Nations (UN), 223
public servants for, 195–96; record United Nations Convention on Bio-
keeping/archiving, 196–99; record logical Diversity, 295
making and, 199–200; setting United Nations Economic Commis-
stage for, 184–90; supply side for, sion for Europe (UNECE), 289, 297
196–206; vanguard steps toward, United Nations Environment Pro-
186–88 gramme, 294
Transparency International, 2, 246 United Nations Food and Agricultural
Transparency International Corrup- Organization, 294
tion Perception Index, 149, 161, United Nations Framework Conven-
172n22 tion on Climate Change, 295
Transparency International index, 261 United Progressive Alliance (UPA),
transparency law, 11; drafting, 188– 44
index 367