Federal Register, 269 Gandhi Peace Foundation, 43
Feinstein, Andrew, 234 Gandhi, Shailesh, 39–40
Financial Management and Account- GDP. See Gross Domestic Product
ability Act (1997), 200 General Agreement on Tariffs and
Finland, 247 Trade, 67, 243
Florini, Ann, 1, 13, 337 genetically modified organisms
FOI. See freedom of information (GMOs), 301; labeling for, 302–3;
FOI compliance, 191 opponents of, 301–2; proponents
FOI laws, 2, 246; “gold standard” of, of, 302; tracking of, 302
12; in India, 9; for Nigeria trans- “ghost employees,” 193
parency, 154–60 “ghost works,” 28
FOIA. See Freedom of Information Act Global Forest Watch, 301
FOIA laws, 285 Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 225
Ford Foundation, 162, 188 Global Witness, 224
forestry concerns, 294 globalization, 2, 12, 347
Forestry Stewardship Council, 300 GMOs. See genetically modified
forums, 97, 290 organisms
Fourth Plenum of 16th Party Central Gonzales, Alberto, 315–16
Committee (China), 64 Gonzáles, Felipe, 330
Fox, Vincente, 344 governance, 1, 33, 39–41; see also envi-
Frankel, Maurice, 207 ronmental governance
fraud, 28 government, 152, 197; Blair, 317;
free expression, 330 effectiveness/efficiency, 338–39;
Freedom from Debt Coalition (Philip- E-government, 61, 100; of Nigeria,
pines), 251 172n21; secrecy, 218; transpar-
freedom of information (FOI), 2 ency as principle of democratic,
Freedom of Information Act (China), 341; see also Bush administration;
74 intergovernmental organizations;
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Johnson administration; Nixon
8, 13, 158, 191, 200, 229, 249, 268, administration; nongovernment
324; amending, 44–46; citizens organizations; open government
and, 281; compliance with, 344; information
detainees under, 319; early years Gowon, Yakubu, 146, 149
of, 315; enactment of, 280; excep- Graham, Mary, 217, 218, 219
tions to, 312 Great Britain, 7, 207; see also United
Freedom of Information Act (Trinidad Kingdom
and Tobago), 205 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolu-
Freedom of Information Act (United tion—China (1966–76), 54, 58
Kingdom), 311 Greenpeace, 271, 294–95, 301
Freedom of Information Advocates GRI. See Global Reporting Initiative
Network and Web site, 135 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 99
Freedom of Information Bill (India), Guangdong, China, 322
44 Guangzhou Office of Legislative Af-
Freedom of Information Law (Belize), fairs, 70
185 Guangzhou OGI Provisions, 70–71,
Fujimori, Alberto, 185 74, 89n48
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 319
Galbraith, J. K., 216 Gulf War, 146, 156, 157
358 index