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The Right to Know: Transparency for an Open World resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

China’s Tenth Five-Year Economic consensus building, 203–4 Plan (2002–07), 63 Constitutional Affairs Committee Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (United Kingdom), 191 (CASS), 69 Copyright Law (China), 114n9 chlorination, 284 corporate disclosure, 8–9 cholera, 284 corporate law, 216 CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency corporate secrecy, 215, 216–20 Citizen Democracy Association—Slo- corporate social responsibility (CSR), vakia (CDF), 130, 136 12, 216; change and, 223–26; hu- Citizen’s Shopping (Slovakia), 129 man rights and, 223; practice of, civil liberties groups, 319 223 Civil Liberties Organisation—Nigeria corporate transparency, 215; new (CLO), 151–52, 154, 173n26 arguments for, 220–28; voluntary, civil servant sanctions/incentives, 226–28 206–8 corporations: dehumanizing, 220; civil society activism, 223–26, 304, rights of, 239n8 342 corruption, 2, 149, 155, 161, 168, class action suits, 290 172n19, 172n22, 197, 271; in classified information, 312, 323 China, 58, 65, 105; in India, 29, Classified Information Protection Act 49; in Nigeria, 149–50, 154–55, (Czech Republic), 326 160, 163 CLO. See Civil Liberties Organisa- COSATU. See Congress of South tion—Nigeria Africa Trade Unions “closed politics,” 320 cost of information, 6, 102, 112, 131, CM. See Chief Minister—India 173n35, 192–93, 301, 342, 346 CMP. See Common Minimum Pro- counterintelligence service (M15), 311 gramme Criminal Law (China), 110, 115n11 Coady, Patrick, 256 “critical infrastructure information,” Coca-Cola, 218 325 Cold War, 7, 260, 310–11, 316, 323, CSR. See corporate social responsibility 326–27 Cuba, 10 Cole, David, 319 culture of secrecy, 180 Colombia, 313 Czech Republic, 302, 326 “commercial secret,” 73, 89n50 Commission on Sustainable Develop- Data Protection and Freedom of ment, 295 Information—Hungary (DP-FOI), Committee for the Ecological Protec- 122–23, 125, 128, 136 tion of Ruse (Bulgaria), 291 Davis, Carlton, 179, 194 Committee to Protect Journalists Davis, Charles, 228–29 (China), 79 Davis v. Clutcho (Pty) Ltd., 235 Common Minimum Programme Dawson, Thomas, 250–52 (CMP), 44 Declaration of Principles on Freedom Communist Party of China (the and Expression, 10 Party), 55–56, 60, 83; elections defense, 311 and, 57–58; leadership in, 58 Delhi High Court, 50 competition, 216 Delhi RTI, 35, 42 Congress of South Africa Trade democracy, 1, 3, 82; in CEE, 137–39; Unions (COSATU), 185, 232 China Constitution and, 104–5; in 356 index

