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Community Practice Skills: Local to Global Perspectives resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

482 ■ INDEX Weinbach, Robert, 237 Women’s voices, history of exclusion of, 37 Well-being Women’s Wellness Network, 271, 272–73 economic, 23, 214, 388, 424 Woolcock, Michael, 147 environmental, 23, 214, 388, 424 Work and wages, 228–30 political, 23, 388, 424 Work Group for Community Health and social, 23, 212, 214, 388, 424 Development, 399 Wenocur, Stanley, 24 Working relationships, identifying and “We Shall Overcome,” 363 establishing with neighborhood or West, Cornel, 367–68 community, 126–27 Western Enlightenment, 35–36 Work-support programs, 229 Western humanism, and value development World Bank, 32–33, 391, 395 during Renaissance, 58–59 World building, 405 Wetzel, Janice Wood, 366–67 World Commission on Environment Wilder Foundation, 327 and Development (WCED), 13–14, Wilderness Society, 363 214 Williams, Betty, 127 World Health Organization (WHO), 114 Williams, Jody, 178 World Neighbors, 125 Wilson, William Julius, 309 World Social Forum, 231, 391 WiserEarth, 409, 429 WorldTeach, 197 W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 12 World Trade Organization (WTO), 33, 391 Wolff, Tom, 326, 340– 41 Writing, advocacy in, 193, 200–203 Women, human rights instruments with focus on rights of, 365–68 Young, Whitney, 420 Women’s Human Rights Network, 428 Young Women’s Christian Association Women’s International League for Peace and (YWCA), 389 Freedom (WILPF), 372, 389, 394 Yunus, Muhammad, 210, 277, 284, 401 Women’s movement, 390 Women’s Peace Party, 372, 394 Zakat, 56 Women’s rights, 194, 365–68, 403 Zapatista Uprising (Mexico), 391

