INDEX ■ 467
Caring labor, 228 Civil society
for communities, 426 global role of, 79–80
for families, 425–26 mobilizations against corruption, 390
Carnegie Commission, 428 Clean Election Institute, 368
Carnegie Endowment for International Coach, role of, 26–27, 39, 42, 149, 151
Peace, 428 Coadunation, 327
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, 241 Coalition building, 31. See also Building
Castelloe, Paul, 148– 49, 310, 315, 316 effective coalitions
Carter, Majora, 232, 237, 240, 420 Coalitions, 26, 27, 29, 324– 49
Carter Center, 428 Coalitions model, 30–31
Cather, Willa, 121 Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers,
Catholic Relief Services, 240 429
Cauthen, Nancy, 228–29 Cochabamba “Water War,” 395
Celebrations, 135–36, 337–38 Co-construction, 89
Center for Human Rights Education, 428 Codes of ethics, professional, 65–66
Center for Responsive Politics, 368 IFSW/IASSW, 66, 216–17, 370, 402,
Center for Social Development at the 424–25
Washington University in St. Louis, NASW, 18, 65–66, 216, 350–51, 364, 370,
417 409, 428
Center for the Study of Violence and Cohesion, 103
Reconciliation (CSVR) in South Coke-Pepsi Free Zone Campaign in India,
Africa, 36, 38, 206 360–61, 362, 390, 397
Central Asia Institute, 81 Cole, Johnnetta B., 324
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Coleman, James S., 147
Laboral y Agrario (CEDLA), 395 Collaboration, 341– 42
Chambers, Edward, 384 Collective effi cacy, 95–96, 148– 49
Change, progressive, 10, 16–17, 388 Collins, Patricia Hill, 113
Change agents, 105 Common Cause, 368
Charette workshop, 218–19, 220 Communication methods for inclusive
Charity organization societies (COSs), 72, networking, 187–90
73–74 Communication skills, 279
Chaskin, Robert J., 309 Communities
Chavez, Cesar, 2, 70, 373 caring labor for, 426
Chen Jiagang, 287 components of, 6–8
Chicago, University of, 101 of interest, 6
Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc. (CPLC), 303–5 meaning of, in local to global continuum,
Chile, life in La Victoria in, 8 5–6
China, life in Guangzhou, 9 Communities and social planning, 12, 29–30,
Choice, 58 31, 107–8, 286–323
Chow, Julian, 108 basic process, 287
Christianity, evolution of values in, 55–56 city and regional planning, 305–6
Citizen and community participation, 67 community development corporations,
Citizen empowerment, 22 303–5
Citizen participation, 12, 142 community practice roles in, 317
Citizen sector organization (CSOs), 401 core skills and competencies for, 317–23
City and regional planning, 290, 305–6 defi ned, 287–88
Civic engagement, 142 engagement in, 317
Civic humanism, 59 fi ve submodels illustrated, 290–92
CIVICUS, the World Alliance for Citizen foundations of, 308–11
Participation, 142 international, multinational, and global,
Civil rights, 63 306–8
Civil Rights Act (1964), 352 multicultural, 320–23
Civil rights movement, 76, 352, 390 multisector, 296, 298