468 ■ INDEX
Communities and social planning (continued) examples of, 8–10
nonprofi expansion of, in period of progressive t planning, 296–305
participatory budgeting, 286–87 change, 75–76
process of community planning, 315–17 justice, rights, and empowerment in, 18–22
roles in, 317 knowledge base in, 1–3
scope of, 287, 288–89 lenses infl uencing contexts, 31–38
social service sector, 296–97 models of, 25–31
submodels of planning practice, 289–323 in 1940s and 1950s, 75
theories and concepts that ground the organizing in, 10–12
model, 311–15 planning in, 12–13, 289
values and ethics for, 320 principles of strengths perspective for, 97–98
Community-based organizations (CBO), 401, processes, 10–17
414 progressive change in, 16–17
Community-based planners, 305 purposes of, 1–3, 77–79
Community-based planning, engagement in, in rapidly globalizing world, 76–77
317–19 roles in, 40– 44, 149–53, 317, 344– 45
Community-based research, 73, 299, 319 roots and development of, in United States,
Community building, 107, 327, 399– 400 69–75
Community capacity development, 25, 309 in social planning, 317
Community capital, 8, 212 streams of theory for, 95–104
Community Capital triangle, 7–8 sustainable development in, 13–16
Community Chests, 73–74 theories and perspectives for, 83–117
Community development, 8, 10, 14, 29, 49, value base of, 47– 48
69, 77, 92, 102, 106, 113, 169, 171, 216, values in rapidly globalizing world, 77–81
247, 294, 296, 311, 316 values particularly supporting, 66–68
Community development corporations, 303–5 Community practitioners, theorizing
Community development theory, 106 importance for, 86–87
Community economic development (CED), Community research, 101, 102, 103. See also
106 Community-based research
Community intervention, 107–8 Community Resource Courts, 359
approaches to, 354 Community settings, social justice applied
Community-led planning, 289, 293 to, 364–65
Community liaison, 250 Community theory, 101–3
Community organization theory, 106–8, Community Tool Box, 399
137– 49 Community-wide planning, 290, 296, 298
Community organizer Compassion, 50
in creating coalitions, 327, 344 Competence, cultural, 251
defi Competency, 153 nition of, 41
in functional community organizing, 174 Comprehensive Community Initiatives
in neighborhood and community (CCIs), 305
organizing, 149–53 Concept mapping, 139– 40
in political and social action, 371 Concerned Citizens of Tillery (Halifax
Community planning, 12–13, 75, 107–8, 139, County, NC), 136
290, 293, 301, 308, 310, 314, 315, 316 Confl ict resolution, 398–99
Community Planning Handbook (Wates), 293 Confl ict theories, 88, 109
Community practice, 10 Confucianism, and Taoism, evolution of
challenges for engagement in, in this values in, 51–53
century, 421–24 Confucius, 51
characteristics of eight models, 26–27 Conscientization, 11, 58, 94, 110, 114, 397
conceptual frameworks and models for, Consensus building, 86
24– 46 Constitution, U.S., 62
contemporary approaches to, in a changing Constitution of the Republic of South
economy, 75–77 Africa, 36