480 ■ INDEX
Social services, 288 Sustainable development, 10
Social welfare planning, 289 in community practice processes, 13–16,
Social well-being, 23, 212, 214, 388, 424 213
Social work concept of, 214–15
defi examples from Curitiba, Brazil, 217–24 nition of, 17
justice, rights, and empowerment in, 18–22 guidance for, 216–17
as progressive change agent, 17 philosophical foundations of, 391
roles in community practice, 38– 45 theory of, 106
value base of, 47– 48 Sustainable Seattle, 241
Social work theory, post-positivism and social Sustainable South Bronx, 232
construction in, 87–91 Sweet Honey in the Rock, 363
Societal barriers, to empowerment, 99 SWOT analysis, 164–65
Society of Friends, 59 Systems theory, 108–9
Socrates, and Socratic Method, 58
Sojourner Truth, 2, 420 Talmud, 53
Solidarity economies, 33, 231 Taoism, evolution of values in, 51–53
Solomon, Barbara, 21, 98–99 Tao Te Ching (The Way and Its Power;
South Africa Lao Tsu), 52–53
human rights in, 36 Targets for change, 26–27, 53
individual rights in, 191 Task groups, 98
South African Community Work in Practice leadership of, 373
(case example), 167, 168–72 Task implementation schedules, 259
South Eastern Efforts Developing Taylor, Sam, 30
Sustainable Spaces (SEEDS) program Tempkin, Kenneth, 293
in United States, 9 Thales, 83
Southern Poverty Law Center, 36 Theoretical perspective, building, 113–15
Southern Regions of the United States Theories
(H. W. Odum), 102 critical, 110–13
Sowers, Karen, 241 defi ned, 87
Speaking, with respect to advocacy, 193, incongruent, 87–88
200–203 streams for community practice, 95–108
Specht, Harry, 76 structural, 109–10
Speth, James, 423 systems and ecosystems, 108–9
Spiritual traditions, evolution of values from, theorizing about, 84–86
49–57 types of, 93–95
Starr, Ellen Gates, 72 Theorizing, importance for community
Stein, Maurice, 102 practitioners, 86–87
Strategies and tactics in neighborhood and Thich Nhat Hanh, 50
community organizing, 130–33 Thirteenth Amendment, 58
Streeter, Calvin, 101 Thoreau, Henry David, 24
Strengths and needs assessment, 267 Tice, Carolyn, 25
Strengths perspective, 97 Till, Emmett, 352
ascendance of, 247 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 69–70, 121
principles of, for community practice, Tönnies, Ferdinand, 5
97–98 Toynbee Hall, 72
Structural adjustment, 33 Trainer, role of, 39, 43, 149, 151
Structural analyses and approaches, 67–68 Transformation, 192
Structural-functionalism, 88, 92 Treatment Action Group of the AIDS
Structuralism, criticism of, 110 Coalition to Unleash Power
Structural theory, 109–10 (ACT UP), 133
Suber, Peter, 362 Triple bottom line, 231–32
Submodels of planning practice, 289–93 Tropman, John, 76
Sustainability outcome measures, 240 Truthfulness, 56