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Community Practice Skills: Local to Global Perspectives resources

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474 ■ INDEX Kuhn, Thomas, 115 Manager, role of, 45, 237, 373 Kurzman, Paul, 30 Mandela, Nelson, 2–3, 114, 373, 387, 422 Kwadwo, Mark, 419 Mao Zedong, 52 Maori, 264–65 LaFraniere, Sharon, 419 Mapp, Susan, 241 Lakoff, George, 350 Marshall Plan, 75 Langa KwaNobuhle Self Help and Resource Martinez-Brawley, Emilia, 103 Exchange (SHARE) program, 125, 131, MaxNeef, Manfred, 181 168–72 McCarthy era, 389 Lao Tsu, 52 McKibben, Bill, 218 Lau, D. C., 51–52 McMurtry, Steven, 25 Lauffer, Armand, 107, 287–88, 305, 310 Measuring economic, social, and Leaders, 40– 41 environmental outcomes, 378–79 role of, 39, 344– 45, 373, 414 Mediating structures, role of, 147 Leadership Mediation, 162–64, 361 assessing, 128–29 building, 190 building networking skills and, 203–7 Mediator, 39 developing capacity, 123 role of, 344– 45 social, 373 Medicaid, 369 task group, 373 Medoff, Peter, 107, 293 Leadership for Changing World Partners, 204 Mental Health Drug Treatment Courts, 359 League of Women Voters, 334, 368, 369 Mercy Corps/Net Aid, 412 Lee, Judith, 91, 99 Merton, Robert K., 93 Lerner, Jaime, 218–19, 222, 224, 235, 420 Mexico, Zapatista Uprising in, 391 Learning organization, 264 Micah (Prophet), 54 Legerton, Mac, 320–23 Microcredit, 230 Lewis, Edith, 77, 99 Microcredit institutions, 33 Liberty Guide to Human Rights, 363 Micro lending, 210 Lighthouses of Knowledge, 221, 223 Middle-range theory, 93 Link, Rosemary, 241 Midgley, James, 106, 241, 308 Livelihoods, 214, 228–32 Midrash, 53–54 Living economies, 142 Migration, 34 Living wage, 229–30, 358–59 Millennium Declaration, 19 campaign of, 242– 45 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), establishing, 361–62 19–21, 233 in Nevada, 360 Miller, Ethan, 231 Baltimore ordinance on, 358 Miller, Valerie, 143– 46, 164, 198–99, 201, 378, in Santa Fe, 242– 45, 337, 358, 360, 378 380 Locality development, 29–30 Minimum wage, 358–59 Locke, John, 61 Mishna, 53 Logic model, 12–13, 259, 261 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 352 Long, Dennis, 25 Missouri Women’s Wellness Network, 277 Loyalty, 6 Mizrahi, Terry, 12, 328–29 Mobilization of bias, 146 Maathai, Wangari, 3, 8, 114, 284 Model structures, community practice and, MacArthur Foundation’s Collaboration 25–31 Project, 341 characteristics of, 26–27 Macropractice, 108 primary and related roles associated with feminist treatments of, 76 eight, 38– 45 strengths perspective of, 25 Moksha, 49 Macro social work, 373 Mondros, Jacqueline, 106 Mahbub ul Haq, 225 Monte Verde, 352 Maimonides, 55 Montgomery, AL, bus boycott, 127

