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Community Practice Skills: Local to Global Perspectives resources

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INDEX ■ 475 Morrison, John, 25 Institutional Racism and the Social Work Mota, Ana Elizabete, 387 Profession, 36–37 Movement for Sustainable Development, Peace Policy Tool Kit, 428 409 Project on Violence and Development, 421 Movements for progressive change, 203, in United States, 36–37 387– 417 National Center for Appropriate Technology, core skills and competencies used in, 415 189 collaboration and building networks, 415 National Center for Children and Poverty at facilitation, 415–16 Columbia University, 228 leadership, 416 National Coalition for Dialogue and examples of, 392–96 Deliberation (NCDD), 140, 158–59 model, 31 National Coalition for Disability Rights, new social, 390–92 347– 48 scope of concern, 396 National Committee for Responsive social work / community practice roles, Philanthropy, 401–2 411–15 National Community Building Network, 337 strategy levels, 396– 408 National Consumers League, 389 community building, 399– 400 National Network for Immigrant and confl Refugee Rights, 355 ict resolution, 398–99 individual and group empowerment, National Priorities Project, 227 397–98 National Voter Registration Act (1993), 369 institution building, 400– 402 Nation building, 402–3 nation building, 402–3 Natural capital, 7, 212 region building, 403–5 Natural disasters, 422 world building, 405 Natural resources, 7 theories and concepts that ground model, Nazi death camps, conditions and horror of, 408 47– 48 coalitions and collaborations for social Needs assessment, 256 justice and human rights, 408–9 Negotiation, 162 diversity and unity, 409–10 Negotiator, 39 Mudita, 50 role of, 235 Muhammad (Prophet), 56 Neighborhood and community organizing, Muir, John, 209 28, 121–72 Mulroy, Elizabeth A., 331 core skills and competencies for, 153–66 Multicultural planning in action, 320–23 culturally sensitive engagement, 154–56 Multicultural sensitivity, guidance in facilitation and dialogue, 156–59 acquiring, 154 mediation, 162–64 Multicultural societies, increase in, 34–37 planning for action, 164–66 Multilateral trade agreements, 33 teaching decision making, 159–61 Multisector social planning, 296, 298 goals of, 123–24 Myers, Amanda Lee, 419 guiding steps, 125–37 assessing leadership and organizational Napolitano, Janet, 369 assets and challenges, 128–29 Narayan, Deepa, 147 assisting organizational leaders to National Association of Black Social Workers develop skills for forming alliances, Code of Ethics, 370, 372 acquiring resources, and employing National Association of Planning Councils, wide and inclusive communication 74, 298 systems, 130 core competencies of, 319 assisting organizations to analyze National Association of Social Workers strategies for reaching their goals and (NASW) objectives in ways that empower Code of Ethics of, 18, 65–66, 216, 350–51, and build the capacity of leadership 364, 370, 409, 428 and organization, 130–33

