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Community Practice Skills: Local to Global Perspectives resources

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476 ■ INDEX Neighborhood and community organizing Nominal Group Technique (NGT), 134, 139, (continued) 160–61, 179 assisting organizations to develop Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), techniques for setting goals and 17, 282 objectives for quality of life global role of, 79–80 improvement efforts, 129–30 Nonviolence, 75–76 assisting organizations in managing Nonviolent civil disobedience, objectives of, internal confl 132 ict and disagreements, 133–34 Noponen, Helzi, 134–35, 269, 308 assisting organizations to learn how to North American Free Trade Agreement monitor and evaluate the progress of (NAFTA), 391, 404 their neighborhood or community North Carolina Family Support, Family efforts, 134–35 Preservation (FS/FP) Initiative, 297 assisting organizations to plan Nuclear proliferation, 411 celebrations that mark the progress of leadership, organizational Obama, Barack, 178, 192, 372 development, and action victories, O’Connor, Mary Katherine, 282 135–37 Odum, Howard W., 101, 102 assisting organizations to plan for and Ohmer, Mary, 11 take effective action, 135 Oppression, 113 assisting with organization building Oregon Center for Community Leadership, skills through training, workshops, 342 one-on-one coaching with leaders Organizational culture, 251 and participants, and consultation Organizational leaders, assisting with with neighboring organizations, developing skills, 130 129 Organizational maintenance capacity, identifying and establishing working developing, 123 relationship, 126–27 Organizational theory, 100 scope of concern, 123–25 Organization-building skills, assisting with, theories and concepts that ground the 129 model, 137–38 Organization for Economic Co-operation and collective effi Development (OECD), 388, 413, 427 cacy, 148– 49 group process and facilitation, 138– 40 Organized social change, 288 power and empowerment, 143– 47 Organizer, 41 principles of democratic participation, with coalitions, 344, 346 140– 43 in community practice processes, 10–12 social capital, 147– 48 in coordinating action groups, 374–76 social work / community practice roles, with functional communities, 190 149–53 in neighborhood and community settings, Neighborhood-based planning, 289, 293 149–53 Neoconservatism in rapidly globalizing role of, 28, 39, 45, 371 world, 76–77 Organizing functional communities, model Netherlands Organization for International for, 30, 173–208 Development Cooperation, 204 core skills and competencies for, Netting, Ellen, 25, 255 193–207 Neugarten, Dial, 324 guiding steps, 176–81 Nevada’s Living Wage Campaign, 360 scope of concern, 175–76 New Deal, 389 social work/community practice roles, New Mexico, DWI problems in, 359–60 190–93 New social movements, 390–92 theories and concepts that ground the New Testament, 55 model, 181–90 Nineteenth Amendment, 58 Ottawa Charter for Public Health Nolten, Marleen, 204 Promotion, 339

