472 ■ INDEX
Human decency, 424–26 elements of, 264–66
Human development, 225–28 essential process roles and skills for, 274–75
indicators for, 426–27 ethical decision-making in, 276
Human Development Index (HDI), 15, 225, goal statements, 278–79
226, 227, 404, 413 inclusive participatory approach, 259–73
Human Development Report, 15, 16, 33, 141, incorporation of participatory evaluation
225–26, 392, 427 into, 269–73
Human diversity, 409–10 model of, 30
Humane capitalism, 212 Participatory HIV/AIDS Education in
Humanism, 58–63 Ethiopia, 248
Humanistic values, evolution of, 57–59 program evaluation, 258
Human needs, application of human rights rational planning in, 254–59
and social justice principles to roles and skills that balance process and
identify, 239 tasks, 277–80
Human Poverty Index (HPI), 225, 227, 403 communication skills, 278
Human rights, 18–21, 67 evaluator/researcher/assessor skills,
advocating to promote, 379–82 279–80
analyzing social justice issues and, 194–98 goal statements, 278–79
coalitions and collaborations for, 408–9 skills in ethical decision making, 276–77
expansion of, 37–38 spokesperson/advocacy skills, 279
with focus on women and girls, 365–68 scope of concern, 249–54
human responsibilities and, 81–82 cultural competence, program
in identifying human needs, 239 development, and congruent
issues of, 2 organizational culture, 251–52
research and practice, 427–28 interaction and adaptation, 252–53
Human Rights Center, University of targets for change and resources,
California at Berkeley, 38 253–54
Human rights instruments, with focus on vision statement, 276–77
rights of women and girls, 365–68 Incongruent theories, 87–88
Human Rights Library, University of India
Minnesota, 428 Coke-Pepsi Free Zone Campaign in,
Human Rights Matrix, 63–64 360–61, 362, 390, 397
Human Rights Watch, 178 Self-Employed Women’s Association
Human, social, and economic development, (SEWA) in, 110
77–78 social justice in, 3
Hume, David, 61 Indian Citizenship Act, 58
Hyde, Cheryl A., 76, 252 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention,
194, 366
Ideal type, 28 Individual Development Accounts, 230–31
Ife, Jim, 57, 63, 81–82 Individual empowerment, 397–98
Immigrant Solidarity Network, 355 Individual rights, ensuring, 191
Immigration, involuntary, 34–35 Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), 374, 383
Inclusive networking, communication Industrialism, 74–75
methods for, 187–90 Industrial Revolution, 71, 72, 423
Inclusive program design, 250–51, 260–64 Infant Formula Action Coalition (INFACT),
Inclusive program development, 29, 30, 325
246–85 Institutional Racism and the Social Work
adaptation in, 252 Profession (NASW), 36–37
community liaison, 250 Institution building, 400– 402
comparative approaches to, 254 Integrated Rural Development for
rational planning and design, 254–59 Smallholders, 167
cultural competence in, 251–52 InterAction, 414–15
defi Interdependence, 47, 66 ning, 249–50