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The Origins of Business, Money, and Markets resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

List of Terms agribusiness farming for profi t asset a saleable valuable; in accounting, a valuable pos- session that will not be used up within a year business person an investor (the one risking his wealth), manager, or employee in a business concern business the activity of selling to voluntary buyers for a profi t, or an enterprise that survives by doing this activity capital resources available to fund a business; also, a busi- ness’s assets civil conditions the conditions and rules governing conduct in society credit purchasing power that has been provided in ex- change for a promise of repayment demand desire coupled with purchasing power direct costs the cost of producing what is to be sold, generally involving the payments for labor and materials disposable wealth wealth available for present exchange East, West Asia east or west of the Hellenistic or Roman bor- der, as the case may be

