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The Greening of Asia: The Business Case for Solving Asia's Environmental Emergency resources

Extracted Text (may have errors)

P R E FAC E xi on the entire manuscript has made this an immeasurably richer book. Program Director Janet Pau as well as the Council’s Princeton in Asia Fel- lows Kaishi Lee, Kari Wilhelm, Tom London, Matt Garland, Ryan Brooks, and Jack Maher all provided research help. I also want to thank others on the Council’s staff: Administrative Director Winnie Wu as well as Bonnie Chang, Alex Zhang, Jennifer Wei, Philip Hui, and Moneta Chon. In Whis- tler, Scott and Helen Carrell kept me fed, fit and happy while I wrote in the mountains. Finally, thanks to our children, Anya and Ted, and, above all, my wife, Melissa Brown, whose knowledge of many of the issues discussed in this book is exceeded only by her patience in enduring an even more fraught book-writing process than usual is more than I could have asked for. A final note: Some of those quoted in the book are members of the Asia Business Council; many are not. This book was written independently and the opinions are mine. So too are any errors, whether of commission or omission. I hope that this work will stimulate debate, inspire confidence that there is a way forward, and lead to faster action to solve one of the defining challenges of our age. Hong Kong, October 2014

