Oscar Cetrángolo is an economist in the fi nance. He eld of public fi
graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Sus-
sex (Institute of Development Studies). He has been working at ECLAC
(UN) since 2001 as an expert in public policy. He was Undersecretary at
the Ministry of Economy between 1999 and 2001. He has published sev-
eral works on public policy. He is Professor of Public Finance at the Uni-
versity of Buenos Aires.
Nada O. Eissa is Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics at
Georgetown University, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of
Economic Research (NBER). From 2005– 2007, she was Deputy Assistant
Secretary of the Trea sury for economic policy. Previously, she was on
the economics faculty at the University of California at Berkeley, a Na-
tional Fellow of the NBER, a visiting economist at the IMF and a visit-
ing scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Ana Carolina Giuberti is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Federal
University of Espírito Santo, Brazil. She received her BA and MS degree
from the University of São Paulo, and is currently a PhD candidate there.
She has papers published in the fi eld of economics of the public sector ap-
plied to the Brazilian economy.
Roger Gordon is a professor of economics at the University of California,
San Diego. He has also taught at the University of Michigan and Prince-
ton University, was a member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories,
and a past editor of Journal of Public Economics and the American Eco-
nomic Review. He is currently editor of the Journal of Economic Literature,