Research Methods in Child Welfare
Amy J. L. Baker and Benjamin J. Charvat
eISBN: 9780231512145
2008 (464 pages )
Available PDF Downloads
Complete Book Download
(pages 1-464)
Front Matter
(pages 1-28)
Table of Contents
(pages 5-6)
List of Figures
(pages 7-8)
List of Tables
(pages 9-10)
(pages 11-12)
(pages 13-16)
1. Introduction to Child Welfare Research
(pages 17-28)
Part I: Planning and Developing Research Studies
(pages 29-30)
2. The Philosophy and Logic of Research
(pages 31-50)
3. Ethical Considerations
(pages 51-70)
4. Problem Formulation
(pages 71-94)
5. Sampling Theory
(pages 95-122)
Part II: Design Strategies
(pages 123-124)
6. Single-System Design
(pages 125-139)
7. Group Designs
(pages 140-159)
8. Using Existing Data
(pages 160-180)
Part III: Measurement Strategies
(pages 181-182)
9. Measurement Theory and Measure Selection
(pages 183-202)
10. Surveys
(pages 203-230)
11. Case Studies
(pages 231-244)
12. Focus Groups
(pages 245-266)
13. In-Depth Interviews
(pages 267-290)
Part IV: Data Analysis and Writing Up and Sharing Research Results
(pages 291-292)
14. Data Analysis Techniques
(pages 293-327)
15. Dissemination of Research Findings
(pages 328-348)
Part V: Special Topics in Agency Practice
(pages 349-350)
16. Continuous Quality Improvement in Agency Practice
(pages 351-368)
17. Agency-Based Program Evaluation
(pages 369-393)
18. Final Thoughts
(pages 394-402)
Classroom Discussion and Activity
(pages 403-410)
Glossary 1: Social Science Research Methods Terms
(pages 411-422)
Glossary 2: Child Welfare Practice and Policy Terms
(pages 423-434)
(pages 435-452)
(pages 453-464)
Research Methods in Child Welfare
Social service agencies are facing the same expectations in quality management and outcomes as private companies, compelling staff members and researchers to provide and interpret valid and useful research to stakeholders at all levels in the field. Child welfare agencies are particularly scrutinized. In this textbook, two highly experienced researchers offer the best techniques for conducting sound research in the field. Covering not only the methodological challenges but also the real-life constraints of research in child welfare settings, Amy J. L. Baker and Benjamin J. Charvat present a volume that can be used both for general research methods and as a practical guide for conducting research in the field of child welfare.
Baker and Charvat devote an entire chapter to ethical issues involved in researching children and their families and the limits of confidentiality within this population. They weave a discussion of ethics throughout the book, and each chapter begins with a scenario that presents a question or problem to work through, enabling readers to fully grasp the methods in the context of a specific setting or area of concern. Special sections concentrate on the value of continuous quality-improvement activities, which enable the collection and analysis of data outside of the strictures of publishable research, and the implementation of program evaluations, which can be helpful in obtaining further research and programmatic funding.
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Table of Contents
Research Methods in Child Welfare
Baker, Amy J. L.; Charvat, Benjamin J.