Falling Through the Cracks: Psychodynamic Practice with Vulnerable and Oppressed Populations

Edited by Joan Berzof

eISBN: 978-0-231-52181-9

(448 pages )

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(pages 1-448)
Complete Book Download (pages 1-448)

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(pages 5-8)
Table of Contents (pages 5-8)

Download 1. Why We Need a Biopsychosocial Perspective with Vulnerable, Oppressed, and At-Risk Clients
(pages 9-47)
1. Why We Need a Biopsychosocial Perspective with Vulnerable, Oppressed, and At-Risk Clients (pages 9-47)

Download 2. Making It Thinkable - A Psychodynamic Approach to the Psychosocial Problems of Prisons and Prisoners
(pages 48-82)
2. Making It Thinkable - A Psychodynamic Approach to the Psychosocial Problems of Prisons and Prisoners (pages 48-82)

Download 3. “We’re Cool, You and Me” - A Relational Approach to Clinical Social Work in the City: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Within a Homeless Shelter for Formerly Incarcerated Women and Their Children
(pages 83-114)
3. “We’re Cool, You and Me” - A Relational Approach to Clinical Social Work in the City: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Within a Homeless Shelter for Formerly Incarcerated Women and Their Children (pages 83-114)

Download 4. If I Feel Judged by You, I Will Not Trust You - Relational Practice with Addicted Mothers
(pages 115-148)
4. If I Feel Judged by You, I Will Not Trust You - Relational Practice with Addicted Mothers (pages 115-148)

Download 5. Making a Difference - Psychodynamic Views on Race and Racism
(pages 149-164)
5. Making a Difference - Psychodynamic Views on Race and Racism (pages 149-164)

Download 6. Navigating the Perils ofthe Child Welfare System - Applying Attachment Theory in Child Protective Practice
(pages 165-187)
6. Navigating the Perils ofthe Child Welfare System - Applying Attachment Theory in Child Protective Practice (pages 165-187)

Download 7. Holding a Mother—Holding a Baby - Psychosocial Casework in a Clinic for Women with High-Risk Pregnancies
(pages 188-213)
7. Holding a Mother—Holding a Baby - Psychosocial Casework in a Clinic for Women with High-Risk Pregnancies (pages 188-213)

Download 8. Finding Common Ground - The Perils of Sameness and Difference in the Treatment of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients
(pages 214-248)
8. Finding Common Ground - The Perils of Sameness and Difference in the Treatment of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients (pages 214-248)

Download 9. Full of Feelings, Disabled, and Treatable - Working Psychodynamically with Special-Needs Adults
(pages 249-268)
9. Full of Feelings, Disabled, and Treatable - Working Psychodynamically with Special-Needs Adults (pages 249-268)

Download 10. Seeing Through the Eyes of the Blind - Psychodynamically Informed Work with Persons with Low Vision
(pages 269-305)
10. Seeing Through the Eyes of the Blind - Psychodynamically Informed Work with Persons with Low Vision (pages 269-305)

Download 11. What Did You Say? - Clinical Practice with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Populations
(pages 306-326)
11. What Did You Say? - Clinical Practice with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Populations (pages 306-326)

Download 12. Social Care with the Severely Mentally Ill - Psychodynamic Perspectives
(pages 327-354)
12. Social Care with the Severely Mentally Ill - Psychodynamic Perspectives (pages 327-354)

Download 13. The Return from War - Templates for Trauma and Resilience
(pages 355-379)
13. The Return from War - Templates for Trauma and Resilience (pages 355-379)

Download 14. Alien to This Country - Treatment Considerations with Immigrant Bilingual Patients
(pages 380-404)
14. Alien to This Country - Treatment Considerations with Immigrant Bilingual Patients (pages 380-404)

Download 15. When a State Becomes a Parent - Orphanages in a Post-totalitarian Culture: Attachment Theory Perspective
(pages 405-426)
15. When a State Becomes a Parent - Orphanages in a Post-totalitarian Culture: Attachment Theory Perspective (pages 405-426)

Download Conclusion
(pages 427-430)
Conclusion (pages 427-430)

Download Contributors
(pages 431-434)
Contributors (pages 431-434)

Download Index
(pages 435-448)
Index (pages 435-448)

Falling Through the Cracks: Psychodynamic Practice with Vulnerable and Oppressed Populations

Psychodynamic theory and practice are often misunderstood as appropriate only for the worried well or for those whose problems are minimal or routine. Nothing could be further from the truth. This book shows how psychodynamically informed, clinically based social care is essential to working with individuals whose problems are both psychological and social.

Each chapter addresses populations struggling with structural inequities, such as racism, classism, and discrimination based on immigrant status, language differences, disability, and sexual orientation. The authors explain how to provide psychodynamically informed assessment and practice when working with those suffering from mental illness, addiction, homelessness, and cognitive, visual, or auditory impairments, as well as people in prisons, in orphanages, and on child welfare. The volume supports the idea that becoming aware of ourselves helps us understand ourselves: a key approach for helping clients contain and name their feelings, deal with desire and conflict, achieve self-regulation and self-esteem, and alter attachment styles toward greater agency and empowerment. Yet autonomy and empowerment are not birthrights; they are capacities that must be fostered under optimal clinical conditions.

This collection uses concepts derived from drive theory, ego psychology, object relations, trauma theory, attachment theory, self psychology, relational theories, and intersubjectivity in clinical work with vulnerable and oppressed populations. Contributors are experienced practitioners whose work with vulnerable populations has enabled them to elicit and find common humanity with their clients. The authors consistently convey respect for the considerable strength and resilience of the populations with whom they work. Emphasizing both the inner and social structural lives of client and clinician and their interacting social identities, this anthology uniquely realizes the complexity of clinical practice with diverse populations.

Joan Berzoff is a full professor at the Smith College School for Social Work, where she has twice served as chair of the Human Behavior in the Social Environment Sequence. She has also been codirector of the doctoral program and directs the End of Life Certificate Program. She is the coauthor of three books: Dissociative Identity Disorders: The Controversy and Treatment; Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Theories and Practice in Multicultural Settings (Editions I, II, and III); and Living with Dying: A Handbook for End of Life Care Practitioners. The author of more than twenty-five articles on psychodynamic theory and practice, women's issues, grief, bereavement and dying, social work education, postmodernism, intersubjectivity, compassion fatigue, and women's friendships, Dr. Berzoff lectures nationally and internationally and has been in private practice for thirty-five years.

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Table of Contents

Falling Through the Cracks: Psychodynamic Practice with Vulnerable and Oppressed Populations

Author(s): Berzoff, Joan, ed.

Psychodynamic theory and practice are often misunderstood as appropriate only for the worried well or for those whose problems are minimal or routine. Nothing could be further from the truth. This book shows how psychodynamically informed, clinically based social care is essential to working with individuals whose problems are both psychological and social.

Each chapter addresses populations struggling with structural inequities, such as racism, classism, and discrimination based on immigrant status, language differences, disability, and sexual orientation. The authors explain how to provide psychodynamically informed assessment and practice when working with those suffering from mental illness, addiction, homelessness, and cognitive, visual, or auditory impairments, as well as people in prisons, in orphanages, and on child welfare. The volume supports the idea that becoming aware of ourselves helps us understand ourselves: a key approach for helping clients contain and name their feelings, deal with desire and conflict, achieve self-regulation and self-esteem, and alter attachment styles toward greater agency and empowerment. Yet autonomy and empowerment are not birthrights; they are capacities that must be fostered under optimal clinical conditions.

This collection uses concepts derived from drive theory, ego psychology, object relations, trauma theory, attachment theory, self psychology, relational theories, and intersubjectivity in clinical work with vulnerable and oppressed populations. Contributors are experienced practitioners whose work with vulnerable populations has enabled them to elicit and find common humanity with their clients. The authors consistently convey respect for the considerable strength and resilience of the populations with whom they work. Emphasizing both the inner and social structural lives of client and clinician and their interacting social identities, this anthology uniquely realizes the complexity of clinical practice with diverse populations.

Joan Berzoff is a full professor at the Smith College School for Social Work, where she has twice served as chair of the Human Behavior in the Social Environment Sequence. She has also been codirector of the doctoral program and directs the End of Life Certificate Program. She is the coauthor of three books: Dissociative Identity Disorders: The Controversy and Treatment; Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Theories and Practice in Multicultural Settings (Editions I, II, and III); and Living with Dying: A Handbook for End of Life Care Practitioners. The author of more than twenty-five articles on psychodynamic theory and practice, women's issues, grief, bereavement and dying, social work education, postmodernism, intersubjectivity, compassion fatigue, and women's friendships, Dr. Berzoff lectures nationally and internationally and has been in private practice for thirty-five years.