Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives
Howard Corb
eISBN: 978-0-231-53036-1
2012 (624 pages 50 charts, 55 graphs)
Available PDF Downloads
Complete Book Download
(pages 1-622)
Front Matter
(pages 1-6)
Table of Contents
(pages 7-12)
(pages 13-16)
(pages 17-18)
List of Abbreviations
(pages 19-22)
1. An Introduction to Swaps
(pages 23-61)
2. The Risk Characteristics and the Traditional Uses of Swaps
(pages 62-97)
3. The Pricing of Swaps
(pages 98-156)
4. Caps and Floors
(pages 157-187)
5. Swaptions
(pages 188-251)
6. Swaps with Embedded Options
(pages 252-313)
7. Structured Notes
(pages 314-374)
8. Relative Value and Macro Trades
(pages 375-435)
9. More Recent Product Innovations
(pages 436-484)
Appendix A. Refresher in Option Pricing
(pages 485-540)
Appendix B. A Brief Review of Some Fixed Income Topics
(pages 541-544)
Appendix C. A Closer Look at Day Count and Payment Conventions in Swaps
(pages 545-550)
Appendix D. A Quick Look at Mortgages
(pages 551-558)
Appendix E. The Normal Model
(pages 559-566)
Solutions to Selected Problems
(pages 567-606)
(pages 607-610)
(pages 611-622)
Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives
The first swap was executed over thirty years ago. Since then, the interest rate swaps and other derivative markets have grown and diversified in phenomenal directions. Derivatives are used today by a myriad of institutional investors for the purposes of risk management, expressing a view on the market, and pursuing market opportunities that are otherwise unavailable using more traditional financial instruments. In this volume, Howard Corb explores the concepts behind interest rate swaps and the many derivatives that evolved from them.
Corb’s book uniquely marries academic rigor and real-world trading experience in a compelling, readable style. While it is filled with sophisticated formulas and analysis, the volume is geared toward a wide range of readers searching for an in-depth understanding of these markets. It serves as both a textbook for students and a must-have reference book for practitioners. Corb helps readers develop an intuitive feel for these products and their use in the market, providing a detailed introduction to more complicated trades and structures. Through examples of financial structuring, readers will come away with an understanding of how derivatives products are created and how they can be deconstructed and analyzed effectively.
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Table of Contents
Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives
Corb, Howard